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13–19 Jun 2015
University of Alberta
America/Edmonton timezone
Welcome to the 2015 CAP Congress! / Bienvenue au congrès de l'ACP 2015!

High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed $\beta^+$ emitter $^{10}$C

16 Jun 2015, 16:45
CCIS L1-140 (University of Alberta)

CCIS L1-140

University of Alberta

Oral (Student, In Competition) / Orale (Étudiant(e), inscrit à la compétition) Nuclear Physics / Physique nucléaire (DNP-DPN) T3-6 Nuclear Structure III (DNP) / Structures nucléaires III (DPN)


Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph)


High precision measurements of superallowed Fermi beta transitions between 0$^+$ isobaric analogue states allow for stringent tests of the electroweak interaction described by the Standard Model. In particular, these transitions provide an experimental probe of the unitary of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix, the Conserved-Vector-Current (CVC) hypothesis, as well as set limits on the existence of scalar currents in the weak interaction. Half-life measurements for the lightest of the superallowed emitters are of particular interest as it is the low-$Z$ superallowed decays that are most sensitive to a possible scalar current contribution. The half-life of $^{10}$C can be measured by directly counting the $\beta$ particles or measuring the $\gamma$-ray activity following $\beta$ decay. Previous results for the $^{10}$C half-life measured via these two methods differ at the 1.5$\sigma$ level, prompting simultaneous and independent measurements of the $^{10}$C half-life using both techniques. Since $^{10}$C is the lightest nucleus for which superallowed $\beta$ decay is possible, a high precision measurement of its $ft$ value is essential for obtaining an upper limit on the presence of scalar currents in the weak interaction. Measurements of the $^{10}$C half-life via both gamma-ray photo-peak and direct beta counting were performed at TRIUMF's Isotope Separator and Accelerator (ISAC) facility using the 8$\pi$ spectrometer and a $4\pi$ gas proportional $\beta$ counter at the ISAC General Purpose Station. The 8$\pi$ $\gamma$-ray spectrometer consists of 20 High Purity Germanium (HPGe) detectors as well as the Zero Degree $\beta$ detector, a fast plastic scintillator located at the end of the beam line within the 8$\pi$. This presentation will highlight the importance of these measurements and preliminary half-life results for $^{10}$C will be presented.

Primary author

Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph)


A. B. Garnsworthy (TRIUMF) A. D. MacLean (University of Guelph) A. Diaz Varela (University of Guelph) A. J. Radich (University of Guelph) A. T. Laffoley (University of Guelph) A. Valencik (Saint Mary's University) B. Hadinia (University of Guelph) B. Mills (TRIUMF) C. Andreoiu (Simon Fraser University) C. E. Svensson (University of Guelph) C. Unsworth (TRIUMF) D. Jamieson (University of Guelph) D. Miller (TRIUMF) E. F. Zganjar (Louisiana State University) E. Rand (University of Guelph) G. C. Ball (TRIUMF) G. F. Grinyer (GANIL) J. Park (TRIUMF) J. R. Leslie (Queen's University) M. M. Rajabali (TRIUMF) P. Bender (TRIUMF) P. E. Garrett (University of Guelph) R. A. E. Austin (Saint Mary's University) R. Dunlop (University of Guelph) T. Ballast (TRIUMF) V. Bildstein (University of Guelph) Z. Wang (TRIUMF)

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