F1-2 Experimental Advances and Accelerators (DNP-DIMP-PPD) / Progrès expérimentaux et accélérateurs (DPN-DPIM-PPD)
- Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina)
Shane Koscielniak
6/19/15, 8:45 AM
Nuclear Physics / Physique nucléaire (DNP-DPN)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
Hosted by TRIUMF, supported by a consortium of 14 Canadian Universities led by the U.Victoria, and funded by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, the National Research Council and the province of British Columbia, the ARIEL project commenced design and construction of the ARIEL buildings and the 50 MeV, 10 mA capable electron linear accelerator (e-linac) in September 2010. The accelerator,...
Lia Merminga
6/19/15, 9:15 AM
Nuclear Physics / Physique nucléaire (DNP-DPN)
Invited Speaker / Conférencier invité
TRIUMF has embarked on the construction of ARIEL, the Advanced Rare IsotopE Laboratory, with the goal to substantially expand TRIUMF’s existing capabilities in rare isotope production and utilization for nuclear physics and astrophysics, materials science and health science.
ARIEL will use proton-induced spallation and electron-driven photo-fission of ISOL targets for the production of...