Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

2015 CAP Congress / Congrès de l'ACP 2015

from Saturday 13 June 2015 (06:00) to Friday 19 June 2015 (17:00)
University of Alberta

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
13 Jun 2015
14 Jun 2015
15 Jun 2015
16 Jun 2015
17 Jun 2015
18 Jun 2015
19 Jun 2015
CAP Board Meeting (Old and New) / Réunion du CA de l'ACP (ancien et nouveau) (until 12:00) (CCIS 3-003)
Long Range Planning Committee Kick-off Meeting / Reunion du comite de planification a long terme (until 10:00) (CCIS 4-003)
IPP Town Hall - AGM / Consultation publique et AGA de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 17:45) (NINT Taylor Room)
10:00 Introduction-IPP Director's Report - Michael Roney (University of Victoria)   (NINT Taylor Room)
10:20 Particle Astrophysics CFREF - Prof. Tony Noble (Queen's University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
10:30 DEAP - Mark Boulay (Q)   (NINT Taylor Room)
10:50 SNO+ - Christine Kraus   (NINT Taylor Room)
11:10 SuperCDMS - Prof. Gilles Gerbier (Queen's University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
11:30 PICO - Tony Noble (Queen's University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
11:50 EXO - Prof. David Sinclair (Carleton University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
12:10 NEWS Experiment - Prof. Gilles Gerbier (Queens' University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
12:30 --- LUNCH ---
13:00 IceCube - Prof. Darren Grant (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor Room)
13:20 Theory review-Higgs, EW, BSM - Dr David Morrissey (TRIUMF) Prof. Heather Logan (Carleton University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
14:00 Moller Experiment at JLAB - Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)   (NINT Taylor Room)
14:10 ALPHA - Makoto Fujiwara (TRIUMF (CA))   (NINT Taylor Room)
14:20 UCN - Prof. Jeffery Martin (University of Winnipeg)   (NINT Taylor Room)
14:40 Belle II - Dr Christopher Hearty (IPP / UBC)   (NINT Taylor Room)
15:00 HEPNET/Computing in HEP - Randy Sobie (University of Victoria (CA))   (NINT Taylor Room)
15:10 --- BREAK ---
15:30 MRS - Alberta/Toronto - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   (NINT Taylor Room)
15:35 MRS - Carleton/Victoria/Queens - Prof. Kevin Graham (Carleton University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
15:45 NA62 - Dr Toshio Numao   (NINT Taylor Room)
16:05 Halo+upgrade at LNGS - Prof. Clarence Virtue (Laurentian University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
16:20 VERITAS - Prof. David Hanna (McGill University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
16:30 g-2 at JPARC - Dr Glen Marshall (TRIUMF)   (NINT Taylor Room)
16:40 Theory Review - QCD - Prof. Randy Lewis (York University)   (NINT Taylor Room)
16:55 ATLAS - Prof. Alison Lister (UBC)   (NINT Taylor Room)
17:25 Technical support for experiment development and construction - Dr Fabrice Retiere (TRIUMF)   (NINT Taylor Room)
CINP Town Hall (Sun) / Consultation publique du ICPN -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 18:30) (CCIS L1-029)
10:00 Introductory Comments - Garth Huber (University of Regina)   (CCIS L1-029)
12:08 --- Lunch (provided) ---
14:21 Discussion on Nuclear Astrophysics (19) - Iris Dillmann   (CCIS L1-029)
14:40 Discussion on Nuclear Structure (20) - Adam Garnsworthy   (CCIS L1-029)
15:00 --- Coffee ---
16:44 Discussion on Fundamental Symmetries (20)   (CCIS L1-029)
17:41 General Discussion - Garth Huber (University of Regina)   (CCIS L1-029)
CINP Town Hall (Sun) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 12:08) ()
10:10 Nuclear Structure aspects of the Gamma-Ray program (20+5)   ()
10:35 Nuclear Astrophysics aspects of the Gamma-Ray program (20+5) - iris Dillmann   ()
11:00 Fundamental Symmetries aspects of the Gamma-Ray program (20+5) - Carl Svensson   ()
11:25 Nuclear Astrophysics with DRAGON/TUDA/EMMA (15+3) - Chris Ruiz (TRIUMF)   ()
11:43 TITAN Ion Trap Program at ISAC (20+5)   ()
Joint CINP-IPP Meeting / Réunion conjointe de l'ICPN et de l'IPP (DPN-PPD) -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 10:45) (CCIS L1-140)
08:30 Report from NSERC SAP ES - John Martin (York University (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
09:05 Canada Foundation for Innovation and Subatomic Physics - Olivier Gagnon (Fondation canadienne pour l'innovation)   (CCIS L1-140)
09:25 Report from TRIUMF Director - Jonathan Bagger (Johns Hopkins University)   (CCIS L1-140)
10:00 Report from SNOLAB Director - Nigel Smith (SNOLab)   (CCIS L1-140)
10:25 Report from Subatomic Physics Long Range Plan Committee Chair - Dean Karlen (University of Victoria (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
PiC Editorial Board Meeting / Réunion du Comité de rédaction de La Physique au Canada - Bela Joos (University of Ottawa) (until 11:00) (CCIS L1-047)
IPP / CINP Health Break / Pause santé IPP / ICPN (until 11:00) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
CINP Annual General Meeting / Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ICPN -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 12:00) (CCIS L1-029)
IPP Town Hall - AGM / Consultation publique et AGA de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 12:45) (CCIS L1-140)
11:00 Status and future plan of KEK and J-PARC - Yasuhiro Okada (KEK)   (CCIS L1-140)
11:35 T2K+HyperK - Hirohisa A. Tanaka (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L1-140)
12:05 ILC - Alain Bellerive (Carleton University (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
12:25 Long Range Plan: Next Steps for IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria)   (CCIS L1-140)
CAP Foundation Annual General Meeting / Assemblée annuelle de la Fondation de l'ACP - Robert Mann (University of Waterloo) (until 09:00) (CCIS 4-285)
Exhibit booths open 08:30-16:00 / Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 16:00) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
Teachers' Day - Session I / Journée des enseignants - Atelier I (until 10:00) (CCIS L1-047)
08:30 Opening and Welcome, Calvin Kalman from CAP   (CCIS L1-047)
08:45 Changing student's approach to learning physics, Calvin Kalman, Chair of CAP Division of Physics Education   (CCIS L1-047)
09:15 Metamaterials: Controlling light,heat,sound and electrons at the nanoscale, Zubin Jacob, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UofA   (CCIS L1-047)
T-PUB Commercial Publishers' Session: Resources to Enhance University Physics Teaching (DPE) / Session des éditeurs commerciaux : Ressources visant à améliorer l’enseignement de la physique à l’Université (DEP) - Don Mathewson (Division of Physics Education, CAP) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-029)
08:45 Pearson Education’s digital resources for supporting Physics teaching: Mastering Physics - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) Mrs Claire Varley (Customer Experience Manager – Higher Education, Pearson Canada)   (CCIS L1-029)
09:30 A panel discussion of PER and Enhanced WebAssign in teaching physics - Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia) Martin Williams (University of Guelph) Ernie McFarlane (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-029)
T1-1 Superconductivity (DCMMP) / Supraconductivité (DPMCM) - Tatiana Rappoport (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro) (until 10:15) (NINT Taylor room)
08:45 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy of LiFeAs - Prof. D,A. Bonn (University of British Columbia)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:15 Interplay of charge density waves and superconductivity - Kaori Tanaka (University of Saskatchewan)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:45 Quantum oscillation studies of quantum criticality in PrOs$_4$Sb$_{12}$ - Dr Stephen Julian (University of Toronto)   (NINT Taylor room)
10:00 A Variational Wave Function for Electrons coupled to Acoustic Phonons - Carl Chandler (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
T1-10 THz science and applications (DAMOPC) / Sciences et applications des THz (DPAMPC) - Matt Reid (University of northern british columbia) (until 10:15) (CCIS L2-200)
08:45 Ultrafast dynamics of mobile charges and excitons in hybrid lead halide perovskites - David Cooke (McGill University)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:15 Carrier dynamics in semiconductor nanowires studied using optical-pump terahertz-probe spectroscopy - Prof. Denis Morris (Département de physique, Université de Sherbrooke)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:45 Towards quantum repeaters using frequency multiplexed entanglement - Mr Pascal Lefebvre (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
10:00 True Random Number Generation based on Interference between Two Independent Lasers - Caleb John (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
T1-11 Medical Imaging (DMBP) / Imagerie médicale (DPMB) - Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg) (until 10:15) (CAB 239)
08:45 The Rate of Reduction of Defocus in the Chick Eye is Proportional to Retinal Blur - Prof. Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo)   (CAB 239)
09:00 Image Analysis and Quantification for PET Imaging - Dr Esmat Elhami (University of Winnipeg)   (CAB 239)
09:15 Magnetic Susceptibility Mapping in Human Brain using High Field MRI - Dr Alan Wilman (University of Alberta)   (CAB 239)
09:45 Correlating quantitative MR changes with pathological changes in the white matter of the cuprizone mouse model of demyelination - Prof. Melanie Martin (Physics, University of Winnipeg, Radiology, University of Manitoba)   (CAB 239)
10:00 Interstitial point radiance spectroscopy in turbid media - Dr Bill Whelan (Dept of Physics, University of Prince Edward Island)   (CAB 239)
T1-2 Many body physics & Quantum Simulation (DAMOPC-DCMMP) / Physique des N corps et simulation quantique (DPAMPC-DPMCM) - Shohini Ghose (until 10:15) (CAB 235)
08:45 Universal features of quantum dynamics: quantum catastrophes - Duncan O'Dell (McMaster University)   (CAB 235)
09:15 Hot and Cold Dynamics of Trapped Ion Crystals near a Structural Phase Transition - Paul C Haljan (Simon Fraser University)   (CAB 235)
09:30 Simulating Anderson localization via a quantum walk on a one-dimensional lattice of superconducting qubits. - Joydip Ghosh (University of Calgary)   (CAB 235)
09:45 Cold Atom Metrology: Progress towards a New Absolute Pressure Standard - Dr James Booth (British Columbia Institute of Technology)   (CAB 235)
T1-3 Ground-based / in situ observations and studies of space environment I (DASP) / Observations et études de l'environnement spatial, sur terre et in situ I (DPAE) - Konstantin Kabin (RMC) (until 10:15) (CAB 243)
08:45 Exoplanet Atmospheres: Triumphs and Tribulations - Prof. Sara Seager (Massachusett institute of technology)   (CAB 243)
09:15 The Far-Infrared Universe: from the Universe's oldest ligth to the birth of its youngest stars - Jeremy Scott (University of Lethbridge)   (CAB 243)
09:30 Neutron Monitor Atmospheric Pressure Correction Method Based on Galactic Cosmic Rays tracing and MCNP Simulations of Cascade Showers - Alexei Kouznetsov (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
09:45 Ionospheric Sounding Opportunities Using Signal Data From Pre-existing Amateur Radio And Operational Networks - Alex Cushley   (CAB 243)
10:00 SELF- AND AIR-BROADENED LINE SHAPE PARAMETERS OF METHANE IN THE 2.3 MICRONS RANGE - Adriana Predoi-Cross (University of Lethbridge)   (CAB 243)
T1-4 Mathematical Physics (DTP) / Physique mathématique (DPT) - Andrew Frey (University of Winnipeg) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-160)
08:45 Geometrization of N-Extended 1-Dimensional Supersymmetry Algebras - Charles Doran (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:15 Some discrete-flavoured approaches to Dyson-Schwinger equations - Karen Yeats (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:45 Novel Charges in CFT's - Dr Pablo Diaz Benito (University of Lethbridge)   (CCIS L1-160)
10:00 Yang-Mills Flow in the Abelian Higgs Model - Paul Mikula (University of Manitoba)   (CCIS L1-160)
T1-5 Energy Frontier: Susy & Exotics I (PPD-DTP) / Frontière d'énergie: supersymétrie et particules exotiques I (PPD-DPT) - Reyhaneh Rezvani (Université de Montréal) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-160)
08:45 Natural and unnatural SUSY - Thomas Gregoire (Carleton University)   (CCIS 1-160)
09:15 Hunt for Supersymmetry with the ATLAS detector at LHC - Zoltan Gecse (University of British Columbia (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
09:45 A search for heavy gluon and vector-like quark in the 4b final state in pp collisions at 8 TeV - Frederick Dallaire (Universite de Montreal (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
10:00 Electroweak Baryogenesis and the LHC - David Morrissey (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
T1-6 Cosmic Frontier: Cosmology II (PPD-DTP-DIMP) / Frontière cosmique: cosmologie II (PPD-DPT-DPIM) - Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-140)
08:45 New results from Planck - Douglas Scott (UBC)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:15 **WITHDRAWN** Planck, gravity waves, and cosmology in the 21st century - Kendrick Smith (Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:45 The CHIME Dark Energy Project - Prof. David Hanna (McGill University)   (CCIS 1-140)
T1-7 Nuclear Structure I (DNP) / Structure nucléaire I (DPN) - Adam Garnsworthy (TRIUMF) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-140)
08:45 Light Exotic Nuclei Studied via Resonance Scattering - Grigory Rogachev (Texas A&M University)   (CCIS L1-140)
09:15 Low-energy, precision experiments with ion traps: mass measurements and decay spectroscopy - Anna Kwiatkowski (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
09:45 Electric Monopole Transition Strengths in $^{62}$Ni - Mr Lee J. Evitts (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
10:00 **WITHDRAWN** Fast-timing mesurements in neutron-rich $^{65}$Co - Bruno Olaizola Mampaso (Nuclear Physics Group - University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
T1-8 Special session to honor Dr. Akira Hirose I (DPP) / Session speciale en l'honneur de Dr. Akira Hirose I (DPP) - Luc Stafford (U.Montréal) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-430)
08:45 Overview of the Recent J-TEXT Results - Ge Zhuang (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)   (CCIS 1-430)
09:15 Magnetic Fluctuations Measurements in Magnetized Confinement Plasmas - Dr Weixing Ding (UCLA)   (CCIS 1-430)
09:45 Plasma Ion Implantation for Photonic and Electronic Device Applications - Prof. Michael Bradley (Physics & Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS 1-430)
T1-9 Nanostructured Surfaces and Thin Films (DSS-DCMMP) / Surfaces et couches minces nanostructurées (DSS-DPMCM) - Steve Patitsas (University of Lethbridge) (until 10:15) (CCIS L2-190)
08:45 **WITHDRAWN** Electrical and optical properties of electrochromic Tungsten trioxide (WO3) thin films at temperature range 300 to 500K - Bassel Abdel Samad (Moncton University)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:00 Characterization of the 2D percolation transition in ultrathin Fe/W(110) films using the magnetic susceptibility - Randy Belanger (McMaster University)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:15 You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone: ambient surface degradation of ZnO powders - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:30 **WITHDRAWN** Density Functional Theory Study of Hydrogen on Metal Oxide and Insulator Surfaces - Prof. Abdulwahab Sallabi (Physics Department, Misurata University, Misurata , Libya)   (CCIS L2-190)
CAP Foundation Board Meeting / Réunion du CA de la Fondation de l'ACP - Robert Mann (University of Waterloo) (until 10:30) (CCIS 4-285)
T-MEDAL CAP Medal Talk - Chitra Rangan, U. Windsor (Teaching Undergraduate Physics / Enseignement de la physique au 1er cycle) - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) (until 10:45) (CCIS 1-430)
10:15 Generating Ideas for Active and Experiential Learning in Physics - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor)   (CCIS 1-430)
Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) (until 11:15) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
Teachers' Day - Session II / Journée des enseignants - Atelier II (until 12:00) (CCIS L1-047)
11:00 Quantum superposition and the uncertainty principle in the class room; a hands-on experience, Martin laforest, Senior manager, Scientific Outreach, Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo   (CCIS L1-047)
NSERC Presentation by Elizabeth Boston / Présentation du CRSNG par Elizabeth Boston - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 11:45) (CCIS 1-430)
NSERC EG Chair Report (L.-H. Xu) / Rapport de la présidente du GE (L.-H. Xu) - Donna Strickland (University of Waterloo) (until 12:15) (CCIS 1-430)
CNILC Breakfast Meeting / Réunion du comité de liaison national canadien de l'UIPPA - Jens Dilling (triumf/UBC) (until 08:45) (CCIS 4-285)
Exhibit booths open 08:30-16:00 / Salle d'exposition ouverte de 08h30 à 16h00 (until 15:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
W1-1 Carbon-based materials (DCMMP) / Matériaux à base de carbone (DPMCM) - Rachel Wortis (Trent University) (until 10:15) (NINT Taylor room)
08:45 Chiral symmetry breaking and the quantum Hall effect in monolayer graphene - Prof. Malcolm Kennett (Simon Fraser University)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:15 Interfacing organic and carbon-based nanomaterials towards their applications in sustainable energy - Prof. Giovanni Fanchini (The University of Western Ontario)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:45 Third Harmonic Terahertz Response Optimization of Doped Monolayer Graphene - Prof. Marc Dignam (Queen's University)   (NINT Taylor room)
10:00 Investigation of the interaction between the single walled carbon nanotube and conjugated oligomers using various dispersion correction DFT methods - Mr Mohammad Zahidul Hossain Khan (Memorial University)   (NINT Taylor room)
W1-10 Quantum Optics and Cavity QED (DAMOPC) / Optique quantique et ÉDQ en cavité (DPAMPC) - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 10:15) (CCIS L2-200)
08:45 High-fidelity single-shot Toffoli gate via quantum control - Barry Sanders (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:15 Cavity-induced spin-orbit coupled Bose-Einstein condensation: A new approach for exploring cold atoms - Farokh Mivehvar (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:30 The effect of off-resonant excitation on intensity-intensity correlation spectra in three-level, lambda systems - Christopher DiLoreto (University of Windsor)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:45 Entangled photon triplets: a new quantum light source and a test of nonlocality - Prof. Kevin Resch (University of Waterloo)   (CCIS L2-200)
W1-2 Soft Condensed Matter and Soft Interfaces (DMBP-DCMMP) / Matière condensée molle et interfaces molles (DPMB-DPMCM) - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 10:15) (CCIS L2-190)
08:45 Optimal control of microscopic nonequilibrium systems - David Sivak (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:15 OMCVD AuNP Grown on Polymer Substrates: An approach Towards Mass Fabrication of Biosensors - Prof. Silvia Mittler (University of Western Ontario)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:30 In vivo manipulations of single cells using an all-optical platform - Dr Raphael Turcotte (Advanced Microscopy Program, Wellman Center for Photomedicine and Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, MA)   (CCIS L2-190)
09:45 The oligomeric composition of the M2 muscarinic receptor and the G protein signalling complex: a single molecule study - Mr Dennis D. Fernandes (Department of Physics, University of Toronto)   (CCIS L2-190)
10:00 Effect of lipid composition on peptide-induced coalescence in bicellar mixtures - Chris Miranda (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CCIS L2-190)
W1-3 Special session to honor Dr. Akira Hirose III (DASP-DPP) / Session spéciale en l'honneur du Dr Akira Hirose III (DPAE-DPP) - Alexandre Koustov (U) (until 10:15) (CAB 243)
08:45 Up, out, and away: Probing the initial stages of ion outflow with Swarm - Johnathan Burchill (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
09:15 Kinetic modelling of Solar Orbiter space environment - Prof. Richard Marchand (University of Alberta)   (CAB 243)
10:00 ZnO Thin Film Samples Produced by Pulsed Laser Deposition for Ultrafast Laser High Harmonics Generation Studies - Mr Zachary Tchir (University of Alberta)   (CAB 243)
W1-4 Gravity I (DTP) / Gravité I (DPT) - Ingrid Stairs (UBC) (until 10:15) (CAB 235)
08:45 Black hole chemistry: thermodynamics with Lambda - David Kubiznak (Perimeter Institute)   (CAB 235)
09:15 Restricted Weyl Invariance in Four-Dimensional Curved Spacetime - Prof. Ariel Edery (Bishop's)   (CAB 235)
09:30 Revisiting the Solar System and Beyond - Prof. Réjean Plamondon (École Polytechnique de Montréal)   (CAB 235)
09:45 Linear perturbations of type IIB SUGRA in flux compactifications - Bradley Cownden (University of Manitoba)   (CAB 235)
10:00 Gravitational-wave searches for Binary Black Holes: waveform models - Dr Prayush Kumar (Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics)   (CAB 235)
W1-5 Energy frontier: Future developments (PPD) / Frontière d'énergie: développements futurs (PPD) - Richard Polifka (University of Toronto (CA)) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-140)
08:45 Summary of ATLAS-Canada Upgrades - William Axel Leight (Carleton University (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
09:15 Test beam performance measurements of novel Thin Gap Detectors for the ATLAS experiment upgrade. - Sebastien Rettie (University of British Columbia (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
09:30 Performance of the first Canadian-made muon chamber prototype for the ATLAS experiment upgrade. - Benoit Lefebvre (McGill University (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
09:45 Status of the Future Linear Collider - Prof. Dean Karlen (University of Victoria (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
W1-6 Devices (DCMMP) / Dispositifs (DPMCM) - Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-047)
08:45 Optical measurement of spin-orbital torque in magnetic bilayers - John Q Xiao (University of Delaware)   (CCIS L1-047)
09:15 Nonlinear Optomechanics for Quantum Nondemolition Measurements - Mr Bradley Hauer (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-047)
09:30 Optomechanics in a dilution refrigerator - Allison MacDonald (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-047)
09:45 Silicon Nitride microdisk resonators as refractometric sensors in water - Callum Doolin (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-047)
10:00 Three-dimensional scanning near field optical microscopy imaging of random arrays of copper nanoparticles and their use for plasmonic solar cell enhancement - Mr Sabastine Ezugwu (The University of Western Ontario)   (CCIS L1-047)
W1-7 Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay II (PPD-DNP) / Double désintégration beta sans neutrino II (PPD-DPN) - Gilles Gerbier (Queens University) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-140)
08:45 The EXO Search for Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay - Kevin graham   (CCIS 1-140)
09:15 Modeling the Leaching of 222Rn Daughters into the SNO+ Detector - Pouya Khaghani   (CCIS 1-140)
09:30 Using 60Co as a high precision calibration device for the SNO+ detector - Logan Sibley (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
W1-8 Strengthening Physics Departments (DPE) / Renforcer les départements de physique (DEP) - Donald J. Mathewson (Kwantlen Polytechnic University) (until 10:15) (CCIS L1-160)
08:45 Learning from our neighbours about “Building a Thriving Undergraduate Physics Program” - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:00 Building Thriving Undergraduate Physics Programs - Dr Theodore Hodapp (American Physical Society)   ()
09:30 Panel   (CCIS L1-160)
W1-9 Advanced Instrumentation at Major Science Facilities: Detectors II (DIMP) / Instrumentation avancée dans des installations scientifiques majeures: détecteurs II (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-160)
08:45 Advanced Instrumentation Techniques developed for SNOLAB science programmes. - Nigel Smith (SNOLab)   (CCIS 1-160)
09:15 Ultra-Low Background Counting and Assay Studies At SNOLAB - Dr Ian Lawson (SNOLAB)   (CCIS 1-160)
09:30 Maintaining Clean Rooms at the SNOLAB Underground Laboratory - Chris Jillings (SNOLAB)   (CCIS 1-160)
Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) (until 10:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
W-PLEN Plenary Session - Wick Haxton, Univ. of Washington and Univ. of California / Session plénière - Wick Haxton, Univ. de Washington et Univ. de Californie - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 11:30) (CCIS 1-430)
10:45 Neutrino Physics: On Earth and in the Heavens - Prof. Wick Haxton (University of Washington / University of California)   (CCIS 1-430)
W-MEDAL1 CAP Medal Talk - John Page, U. Manitoba (Brockhouse Medal Recipient/Récipiendaire de la médaille Brockhouse) - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 12:00) (CCIS 1-430)
11:30 Exploring wave phenomena in complex, strongly scattering materials using ultrasound - Dr John Page (University of Manitoba)   (CCIS 1-430)
Science Policy Committee Breakfast Meeting / Réunion-déjeuner du Comité de politique scientifique - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland) (until 08:45) (CCIS L1-029)
07:30 The 2018 Shutdown of the NRU reactor   (CCIS L1-029)
R1-1 Optomechanics -- minisymposium I (DCMMP-DAMOPC) / Optomécanique -- minisymposium I (DPMCM-DPAMPC) - Frank Marsiglio (University of Alberta) (until 10:45) (CCIS L2-200)
08:45 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy with Torsional Optomechanics - Mark Freeman (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:15 Quantum Reservoir Engineering in Optomechanical Systems - Aashish Clerk (McGill University)   (CCIS L2-200)
09:45 Nanophotonic Optomechanics in Diamond - Paul Barclay (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
10:15 High cooperativity optomechanics with wide-bandgap materials - Mr Matthew Mitchell (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
10:30 Optomechanical Micro-Macro Entanglement. - Mr Sourabh Kumar (Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary T2 N 1N4, Alberta, Canada)   (CCIS L2-200)
R1-2 Computational Biophysics (DMBP-DCMMP) / Biophysique numérique (DPMB-DPMCM) - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 10:45) (NINT Taylor room)
08:45 Molecular Theory of Solvation Based Miltiscale Modeling of Biomolecular Systems and Functions - Dr Andriy Kovalenko (Natinal Institute for Nanotechnology, and Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Alberta, 11421 Saskatchewan Dr., Edmonton, AB, T6G 2M9, Canada)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:15 Frontiers in Membrane Biophysics - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:45 Bridging the gap between theoretical and experimentally inferred reorganization energy - Jonathan Johannes   (NINT Taylor room)
10:00 Oxygen distribution in the liver lobule: Three dimensional computational Models - Vahid Rezania (MacEwan University)   (NINT Taylor room)
10:15 Inferring compactness and asphericity of disordered protein ensembles by single molecule FRET spectroscopy and coarse grained simulations - Mr Gregory Gomes (Department of Chemical and Physical Sciences, University of Toronto Mississauga and Department of Physics, University of Toronto)   (NINT Taylor room)
10:30 Effects of Bacterial Specimen Preparation on Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectra - Dylan Malenfant (University of Windsor)   (NINT Taylor room)
R1-3 Status and Future of Precision Frontier (PPD-DTP-DIMP) / État et avenir de la frontière de précision (PPD-DPT-DPIM) - Bei Cai (Queen's University) (until 10:45) (CCIS L1-029)
08:45 Status and Prospects for Theoretical Studies of B-meson Decays - Dr Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (University of Montreal)   (CCIS L1-029)
09:15 The forward-backward asymmetry in $B\to K^*\mu^+\mu^-$. - Mohammad Ahmady (Mount Allison University)   (CCIS L1-029)
09:30 Isospin asymmetry in B→K∗μ+μ− using AdS/QCD - Dr Ruben Sandapen (Mount Allison University & Universite de Moncton)   (CCIS L1-029)
09:45 The Belle II Experiment at the SuperKEKB e+e- Collider - Michael Roney (University of Victoria)   (CCIS L1-029)
10:15 Radiation Hardness of Thallium Doped Cesium Iodide Scintillation Crystals - Mr Savino Longo (University of Victoria)   (CCIS L1-029)
R1-4 Energy frontier: Standard Model and Higgs Boson II (PPD) / Frontière d'énergie: modèle standard et boson de Higgs II (PPD) - Manuela Venturi (University of Victoria (CA)) (until 10:45) (CCIS 1-160)
08:45 Before and After - Consequences of the Higgs Discovery - Dr Travis Martin (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
09:15 Search for new SM Higgs decays and production mechanisms, and BSM Higgs production - Richard Polifka (University of Toronto (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
09:45 Search for an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson Produced via Vector Boson Fusion in pp Collisions at s√=8 TeV using the ATLAS Detector at the LHC - Reyhaneh Rezvani (Universite de Montreal (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
R1-5 Quantum Gravity and Quantum Cosmology (DTP) / Gravité quantique et cosmologie quantique (DPT) - Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge) (until 10:45) (CCIS L1-047)
08:45 Low-scale gravity phenomenology - Douglas Gingrich (University of Alberta (CA))   (CCIS L1-047)
09:15 A Correlated Worldline Theory of Quantum Gravity - Prof. Philip Stamp (UBC)   (CCIS L1-047)
09:45 Discreteness of Space in a Weak Gravitational Field - Soumen Deb (University of Lethbridge)   (CCIS L1-047)
10:00 Modifications of Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle Motivated by Quantum Gravity - Mr Matthew Robbins (University of Lethbridge)   (CCIS L1-047)
10:15 Gravity and dust in 2+1 dimensions - Dr Jonathan Ziprick (urn:Google)   (CCIS L1-047)
10:30 Particle detectors in (curved) space: the equivalence principle and QFT. - Keith Ng (University of Waterloo)   (CCIS L1-047)
R1-6 Testing Fundamental Symmetries II (DTP-PPD-DNP) / Tests de symétries fondamentales II (DPT-PPD-DPN) - David Morrissey (TRIUMF) (until 10:45) (CCIS 1-140)
08:45 The Hunt for Physics Beyond the Standard Model at the Precision Frontier - Aleksandrs Aleksejevs (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:15 Initial Results from the TRIUMF PIENU Experiment - Mr Tristan Sullivan (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:30 Simultaneous Spin Measurement for Ultra Cold Neutrons at TRIUMF - Blair Jamieson (University of Winnipeg)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:45 High-voltage breakdown studies with Xe-129 for an nEDM experiment at TRIUMF - Dr Katerina Katsika (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-140)
10:00 Current Status of a Measurement of Hadronic Parity Violation in the Capture of Cold Neutrons on Helium-3 - Mr Mark McCrea (University of Manitoba)   (CCIS 1-140)
R1-7 Hadronic Structure (DNP-DTP) / Structure hadronique (DPN-DPT) -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 10:45) (CCIS L1-140)
08:45 Commissioning of the GlueX Experiment - Prof. Zisis Papandreou (Uinversity of Regina)   (CCIS L1-140)
09:15 QCD Sum Rule Analysis of Heavy-light Hybrids for $J^{P}=1^{-}$ - Mr Jason Ho (University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS L1-140)
09:30 QCD and the XYZs - Tom Steele (U of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS L1-140)
R1-8 Interactive Teaching - Teaching with Technology (DPE) / Enseignement interactif et à l'aide de la technologie (DEP) - Martin Williams (University of Guelph) (until 10:45) (CCIS L1-160)
08:45 Student Centered Active Learning Environment with Upsidedown Pedagogies - Robert Beichner (North Carolina State University)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:15 Helping Students to get a Better Understanding of Concepts; ‘Course Dossier Method’ - Calvin Kalman (Concordia University)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:30 Utilizing Reflective Writing in Introductory Physics Labatorials: Students Perspectives of Reflective Writing to Explore Science Textbooks - Ms Mandana (Mandy) Sobhanzadeh (Mount Royal University)   (CCIS L1-160)
09:45 Investigation of PeerWise Technology Implementation to Promote Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Physics Teacher-Candidates: From Theory to Practice - Dr Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L1-160)
10:00 Flipping a graduate level course on Modern Electrodynamics - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-160)
10:15 Panel Discussion   (CCIS L1-160)
Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) (until 11:15) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
R-MEDAL CAP Medal Talk - Pierre Savard, U. Toronto / TRIUMF (CAP-TRIUMF Vogt Medal Recipient/Récipiendaire de la médaille Vogt de l'ACP-TRIUMF) - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 11:45) (CCIS L2-190)
11:15 The Higgs Boson, 3 years after the discovery - Pierre Savard (University of Toronto (CA))   (CCIS L2-190)
Outreach "Tête-à-tête Liaisons externes - Francine Ford (Canadian Association of Physicists) (until 13:45) (CCIS 4-285)
R-PLEN Plenary Session - Francis Halzen, IceCube and Univ. of Wisonsin-Madison - Session plénière - Francis Halzen, IceCube and Univ. de Wisonsin-Madison - Jean-Francois Arguin (Universite de Montreal (CA)) (until 12:30) (CCIS L2-190)
11:45 IceCube and the Discovery of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrinos - Francis Halzen (High Energy Physics-Department of Physics-University of Wiscons)   (CCIS L2-190)
F1-1 Networks and complex systems (DCMMP) / Réseaux et systèmes complexes (DPMCM) - Mona Berciu (University of British Columbia) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-140)
08:45 Which Subfield of Physics is More Influential? - Jinshan Wu (Beijing Normal University)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:15 Probing helium mass flow through a solid-liquid-solid double Junction - Dr Zhigang Cheng (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
09:30 (tba) - Prof. Xiaosong Chen (Institute of Theoretical Physics, China Academy of Science)   (CCIS 1-140)
F1-2 Experimental Advances and Accelerators (DNP-DIMP-PPD) / Progrès expérimentaux et accélérateurs (DPN-DPIM-PPD) - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 10:15) (CCIS 1-160)
08:45 TRIUMF ARIEL Electron Linear Accelerator - Shane Koscielniak (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
09:15 ARIEL: Driving Scientific Discovery and Innovation with TRIUMF's Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory - Dr Lia Merminga (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
F1-3 Biomedical Optics and Biophotonics (DAMOPC-DIAP-DMBP) / Optique biomédicale et biophotonique (DPAMPC-DPIA-DPMB) - Melanie Campbell (University of Waterloo) (until 10:15) (NINT Taylor room)
08:45 The Physics of X-ray Tomography: Not as simple as it looks - Esam Hussein (University of Regina)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:15 Computational modeling of Plasmon coupled gold nanoparticles for biomedical applications - Carl Kumaradas (Ryerson University)   (NINT Taylor room)
09:45 Detection of Trace Gases using Fiber Laser Technology- Part 1 - Gautam Das (Lakehead Uniersity)   (NINT Taylor room)
(F-PLEN1) - CAP Best Student Presentations Final Competition / Session plénière - Compétition finale de l'ACP pour les meilleures communications étudiantes - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 11:15) (CCIS L2-190)
Health Break / Pause santé (until 11:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
F-PLEN1 CAP Best Student Presentations Final Competition / Compétition finale de l'ACP pour les meilleures communications étudiantes - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 12:45) (CCIS L2-190)
CINP Town Hall (Sat) / Consultation publique du ICPN -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 18:00) (CCIS L1-047)
13:30 Welcome & Introduction - Garth Huber (University of Regina)   (CCIS L1-047)
15:07 --- Coffee and Discussion ---
16:59 Discussion on Hadron Structure/QCD (21)   (CCIS L1-047)
17:20 Discussion on HQP Issues (40) - Juliette Mammei   (CCIS L1-047)
CINP Town Hall (Sat) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Gerald Gwinner (until 15:07) ()
13:40 ALPHA Antihydrogen Symmetry Test (20+5)   ()
14:05 MOLLER Parity Violation Experiment at JLab (20+5)   ()
14:30 Cold Neutrons at SNS (10+2)   ()
14:42 UltraCold Neutrons at TRIUMF (20+5)   ()
CINP Town Hall (Sat) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Adam Garnsworthy (until 17:24) ()
15:40 Compton Scattering Measurements at MAMI (15+3) - Prof. David Hornidge (Mount Allison University)   ()
15:58 Nucleon electromagnetic form factor measurements at JLab (15+3) - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University)   ()
16:16 The GlueX and Exclusive Meson Production Programs at JLab (20+5)   ()
16:41 Extreme QCD: Characterizing the Quark-Gluon Plasma (15+3) - Prof. Charles Gale (McGill University)   ()
CAP Advisory Council (Old and New) / Conseil consultatif de l'ACP (ancien et nouveau) (until 17:00) (CCIS L1-029)
CINP Town Hall (Sun) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Charles Gale (until 14:26) ()
12:50 Canadian Penning Trap & Related Ion-Trap Expts @ ANL (15+3)   ()
13:08 Reaction spectroscopy of rare isotopes with low and high-energy beams (15+3) - Rituparna Kanungo (TRIUMF)   ()
13:26 Electroweak measurements of nuclear neutron densities via PREX and CREX at JLab (15+3) - Juliette Mammei (University of Manitoba)   ()
13:44 Ab initio nuclear theory for structure and reactions (20+5) - Francesco Raimondi   ()
14:09 From nuclear forces to structure and astrophysics (10+2) - Alexandros Gezerlis   ()
CINP Town Hall (Sun) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Iris Dillmann (until 16:44) ()
15:20 TRIUMF's Neutral Atom Trap for Beta Decay (15+3)   ()
15:38 Francium Trap Project (15+3)   ()
15:55 Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay (25+5) - David Sinclair   ()
16:21 Electroweak Physics (15+3)   ()
CINP Town Hall (Sun) / Consultation publique du ICPN - Juliette Mammei (until 17:41) ()
17:04 Science Opportunities of ARIEL (20+5)   ()
17:29 Resources for Detector Development in the Canadian Subatomic Physics Community (10+2)   ()
CINP Board Meeting / Réunion du conseil de l'ICPN -Prof. Garth Huber (University of Regina) (until 21:30) (CCIS L1-047)
IPP Inst. Members and Board of Trustees Meetings / Réunions des membres inst. et du conseil de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 21:30) (NINT Taylor Room)
Lunch / Diner (until 13:00) ()
M-PLEN Plenary Session - Start of Conference - Sara Seager, MIT / Session plénière - Ouverture du Congrès - Sara Seager, MIT - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 13:45) (CCIS 1-430)
13:00 Exoplanets and the Search for Habitable Worlds - Prof. Sara Seager (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)   (CCIS 1-430)
M1-1 Topological States of Matter (DCMMP) / États topologiques de la matière (DPMCM) - Kaori Tanaka (University of Saskatchewan) (until 15:15) (NINT Taylor room)
13:45 Nematic and non-Fermi liquid phases of systems with quadratic band crossing - Prof. Igor Herbut (Simon Fraser University)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:15 Collective modes and interacting Majorana fermions in topological superfluids - Joseph Maciejko (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:45 Dilute limit of an interacting spin-orbit coupled two-dimensional electron gas - Mr Joel Hutchinson (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
15:00 Andreev and Josephson transport in InAs nanowire-based quantum dots - Kaveh Gharavi (University of Waterloo)   (NINT Taylor room)
M1-10 NSERC's Partnership Program: Panel Discussion and Q&A / Programmes de partenariats du CRSNG : Table ronde et Q&R - Bill Whelan (University of Prince Edward Island) (until 15:15) (CAB 235)
13:45 NSERC's Partnership Program: Panel Discussion and Q&A / Programme de partenariats du CRSNG : Table ronde et Q&R   (CAB 235)
M1-2 Organic and Molecular Electronics (DCMMP-DMBP-DSS) / Électronique organique et moléculaire (DPMCM-DPMB-DSS) - Doug Bonn (Univ. of British Columbia) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-190)
13:45 Principles and methods enabling atom scale electronic circuitry - Robert Wolkow (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:15 Polarization induced energy level shifts at organic semiconductor interfaces probed on the molecular scale by scanning tunnelling microscopy - Sarah Burke (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:45 On the Road to Low Power Circuitry: Analysis of Si Dangling Bond Charging Dynamics - Roshan Achal (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
15:00 Set Point Effects in Fourier Transform Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy - Mr Andrew Macdonald (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L2-190)
M1-3 Theory, modelling and space weather I (DASP) / Théorie, modélisation et climat spatial I (DPAE) - David Knudsen (University of Calgary) (until 15:15) (CAB 243)
13:45 Examples of exact solutions of charged particle motion in magnetic fields and their applications. - Konstantin Kabin (RMC)   (CAB 243)
14:15 Energetic Electron Precipitation Model - Alexei Kouznetsov (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
14:30 Properties of the lunar wake inferred from hybrid-kinetic simulations and an analytic model - Hossna Gharaee (university of Alberta, Departement of Physics)   (CAB 243)
14:45 Explaining the Newly Discovered Third Radiation Belt - Dr Louis Ozeke (University of Alberta)   (CAB 243)
15:00 Fast damping of Alfven waves: Observations and modeling - Chengrui Wang (University of Alberta)   (CAB 243)
M1-4 Theoretical Astrophysics (DTP) / Astrophysique théorique (DPT) - Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge) (until 15:15) (CAB 239)
13:45 Probing Physics with Observations of Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs - Jeremy Heyl (UBC)   (CAB 239)
14:15 Observations and Theory of Supernova Explosions and their Remnants - Denis Leahy   (CAB 239)
14:45 No "End of Greatness": Superlarge Structures and the Dawn of Brane Astronomy - Dr Rainer Dick (University of Saskatchewan)   (CAB 239)
M1-5 Nuclear Techniques in Medicine and Safety (DNP-DIAP) / Techniques nucléaires en médecine et en sécurité (DPN-DPIA) - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-047)
13:45 Evaluation of SiPM Arrays and Use for Radioactivity Detection and Monitoring - Andrei Semenov   (CCIS L1-047)
14:15 Neutron Generator Facility at SFU - GEANT4 Dose Prediction and Verification - Mr Jonathan Williams (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:30 Rapid Elemental Analysis of Human Finger Nails Using Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy - Ms Vlora Riberdy (University of Windsor)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:45 The 2018 Shutdown of the NRU Reactor - Dr John Root (Canadian Neutron Beam Centre)   (CCIS L1-047)
M1-6 Neutrinoless Double-beta Decay I (PPD-DNP) / Double désintégration beta sans neutrino I (PPD-DPN) - Rudiger Picker (TRIUMF) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-140)
13:45 Neutrino in the Standard Model and beyond - Prof. Samoil Bilenky (JINR (Dubna))   (CCIS 1-140)
14:15 Status of the SNO+ Experiment - Prof. Aksel Hallin (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:45 Extraction of optical parameters in SNO+ with an in-situ optical calibration system - Dr Kalpana Singh Singh (Department of Physics, University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
15:00 Double-beta decay half-life of 96Zr – nuclear physics meets geochemistry - Adam Mayer (University of Calgary)   (CCIS 1-140)
M1-7 Advances in Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics Theory (DNP-PPD-DTP) / Progrès en physique nucléaire et en physique des particules théoriques (DPN-PPD-DPT) - Pierre Ouimet (University of Regina) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-160)
13:45 Ab initio calculations of nuclear structure and reactions - Petr Navratil (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
14:15 New horizons for MCAS: heavier masses and alpha-particle scattering. - Dr Juris P. Svenne (University of Manitoba, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy)   (CCIS 1-160)
14:30 The coefficient of restitution of inflatable balls - Mr Gaëtan Landry (Dalhousie University)   (CCIS 1-160)
M1-8 Energy frontier: Standard Model and Higgs Boson I (PPD) / Frontière d'énergie: modèle standard et boson de Higgs I (PPD) - Bhubanjyoti Bhattacharya (University of Montreal) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-140)
13:45 Summary of ATLAS Standard Model measurements (including top quark) - Alison Lister (University of British Columbia (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
14:15 Measurement of the Higgs-boson properties with the ATLAS detector at the LHC - Manuela Venturi (University of Victoria (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
14:45 Measurement of the yy -> WW cross-section and searches for anomalous quartic gauge couplings WWAA at the ATLAS experiment - Chav Chhiv Chau (University of Toronto (CA))   (CCIS L1-140)
M1-9 Ultrafast and Time-resolved Processes (DAMOPC) / (DPAMPC) - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-200)
13:45 Following an Auger Decay by Attosecond Pump-Probe Measurements - Prof. Julien Beaudoin Bertrand (Université Laval)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:15 Ultrafast imaging of nonlinear terahertz pulse transmission in semiconductors - Haille Sharum (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:30 Energy transfer dynamics in blue emitting functionalized silicon nanocrystals - Glenda De los Reyes (Physics Department, University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:45 Molecular SuperRotors: Control and properties of molecules in extreme rotational states - Valery Milner (UBC)   (CCIS L2-200)
Health Break / Pause santé (until 15:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
CAP-NSERC Liaison Cttee Mtg / Réunion du comité de liaison ACP-CRSNG - Bill Whelan (University of Prince Edward Island) (until 17:15) (CCIS 4-285)
M2-1 Computational methods in condensed matter physics (DCMMP) / Méthodes numériques en physique de la matière condensée (DPMCM) - Jesko Sirker (U Manitoba) (until 17:15) (NINT Taylor room)
15:45 Extrinsic Spin Hall Effect in Graphene - Tatiana Rappoport (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:15 Klein Tunnelling in Graphene - Mr Kameron Palmer (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:30 Extensions of Kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to study thermally activated grain reversal in dual-layer Exchange Coupled Composite recording media. - Dr Ahmad Almudallal (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:45 The Kronig-Penney model extended to arbitrary potentials via numerical matrix mechanics - Mr Pavelich Robert (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
17:00 A Multiorbital DMFT Analysis of Electron-Hole Asymmetry in the Dynamic Hubbard Model - Christopher Polachic   (NINT Taylor room)
M2-10 Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy: microwave to X-ray (DAMOPC) / Spectroscopie atomique et moléculaire: des micro-ondes aux rayons X (DPAMPC) - Steven Rehse (University of Windsor) (until 17:15) (CCIS L2-200)
15:45 SPECTROSCOPIC LINE-SHAPE STUDIES FOR ENVIRONMENTAL AND METROLOGIC APPLICATIONS - Li-Hong Xu (University of New Brunswick) Ronald Lees (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS L2-200)
16:15 CLS Synchrotron FIR Spectroscopy of High Torsional Levels of CD3OH: The Tau of Methanol - Dr Ronald Lees (Centre for Laser, Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Department of Physics, University of NB)   (CCIS L2-200)
16:30 Analysis of Quantum Defects in high energy Helium P states - Ryan Peck   (CCIS L2-200)
16:45 Precision Measurement of Lithium Hyperfine and Fine Structure Intervals - Prof. William van Wijngaarden (Physics Department, York University)   (CCIS L2-200)
17:00 Dual Co-Magnetometer using Xe129 for Measurement of the
 Neutron’s Electron Dipole Moment - Joshua Wienands (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L2-200)
M2-2 Material growth and processing (DCMMP) / Croissance et traitement des matériaux (DPMCM) - David Broun (Simon Fraser University) (until 17:15) (CCIS L2-190)
15:45 Field-tuned quantum criticality of heavy fermion systems - Prof. Eundeok Mun (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L2-190)
16:15 Ge:Mn Dilute Magnetic Semiconductor - Laila Obied (Brock University)   (CCIS L2-190)
16:30 The nanostructure of (Ybx, Y1-x)2O3 thin films obtained by reactive crossed-beam laser ablation using bright-field and high-angle annular dark-field STEM imaging. - Prof. Jean-François Bisson (Université de Moncton)   (CCIS L2-190)
16:45 Investigation of the effect of growth condition on defects in MBE grown GaAs1-xBix - Vahid Bahrami Yekta (University of Victoria)   (CCIS L2-190)
17:00 Atomic Force Microscopy Characterization of Hydrogen Terminated Silicon (100) 2x1 Reconstruction - Ms Taleana Huff (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
M2-3 Theory, modelling and space weather II (DASP) / Théorie, modélisation et climat spatial II (DPAE) - David Knudsen (University of Calgary) (until 17:15) (CAB 243)
15:45 Development of Comprehensive Model of Earth Ionosphere and its Application for Studies of MI-coupling - Dr Dmytro Sydorenko (University of Alberta)   (CAB 243)
16:15 Solar wind modelling for operational forecasting - Ljubomir Nikolic (Natural Resources Canada)   (CAB 243)
16:45 Using an information theory-based method for statistical detection of high-frequency climate signals in northern-hemisphere water supply variations - Dr Sean W. Fleming (Environment Canada, MSC Science Division)   (CAB 243)
M2-4 Cosmic Frontier: Cosmology I (DTP-PPD-DIMP) / Frontière cosmique: cosmologie I (DPT-PPD-DPIM) - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA)) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-140)
15:45 Probing the Nature of Inflation - Daniel Green   (CCIS 1-140)
16:15 Determining Power Spectra of High Energy Cosmics - Sheldon Campbell (The Ohio State University)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:30 Searching for the echoes of inflation from a balloon - The first SPIDER flight - Ivan Padilla (University of Toronto)   (CCIS 1-140)
M2-5 Nuclear Astrophysics (DNP) / Astrophysique nucléaire (DPN) - Barry Davids (TRIUMF) (until 17:15) (CCIS L1-140)
15:45 The turbulent hydrodynamics and nuclear astrophysics of anomalous stars from the early universe - Falk Herwig (University of Victoria)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:15 Quark-Novae : Implications to High-Energy and Nuclear Astrophysics - Prof. Rachid Ouyed (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:45 Hadronic-to-Quark-Matter Phase Transition: Effects of Strange Quark Seeding. - Mr Luis Welbanks (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L1-140)
M2-6 Radiation Therapy (DMBP-DNP) / Thérapie par rayonnement (DPMB-DPN) - Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-160)
15:45 Medical linear accelerator mounted mini-beam collimator: transferability study - Mr William Davis (Department of Physics and Engineering Physics, University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:00 Cancer cell targeting gold nanoparticles for therapeutics - Charmainne Cruje (Ryerson University)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:15 Development and Imaging of the World’s first Whole-Body Linac-MRI Hybrid System - Prof. B. Gino Fallone (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:45 A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO STANDARDIZING SMALL FIELD DOSIMETRY IN RADIOTHERAPY APPLICATIONS - Dr Gavin Cranmer-Sargison (Department of Medical Physics, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency)   (CCIS 1-160)
17:00 Multifunctional perfluorocarbon nanoemulsions for cancer therapy and imaging - Mr Donald A. Fernandes (Ryerson University)   (CCIS 1-160)
M2-7 Cosmic frontier: Dark matter I (PPD-DTP) / Frontière cosmique: matière sombre I (PPD-DPT) - Kevin Graham (Carleton University) (until 17:15) (CCIS L1-160)
15:45 Status of Dark Matter Theories - Yanou Cui (Perimeter Institute)   (CCIS L1-160)
16:15 The DEAP-3600 Dark Matter Experiment -- Updates and First Commissioning Data Results - Dr Bei Cai (Queen's University)   (CCIS L1-160)
16:45 Direct Detection Prospects for Higgs-portal Singlet Dark Matter - Fred Sage (University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS L1-160)
17:00 Status of the PICO-60 Dark Matter Search Experiment - Pitam Mitra (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-160)
M2-8 Teaching Physics to a Wider Audience (DPE) / Enseigner la physique à un auditoire plus vaste (DEP) - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) (until 17:15) (CAB 239)
15:45 Asymmetric Wavefunctions from Tiny Perturbations - Tyler Dauphinee   (CAB 239)
16:00 An online resource for teaching about energy - Prof. Jason Donev (University of Calgary)   (CAB 239)
16:15 Essential Psychology in Physics - MBTI and You - Dr Jo-Anne Brown (University of Calgary)   (CAB 239)
16:30 Essential Psychology in the Physics Classroom - Five Steps to Improve Classroom Effectiveness - Jo-Anne Brown (University of Calgary)   (CAB 239)
M2-9 Advanced Instrumentation at Major Science Facilities: Accelerators (DIMP) / Instrumentation avancée dans des installations scientifiques majeures: accélérateurs (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 17:15) (CCIS L1-047)
15:45 CLS 2.0: The Next 10 Years - Dr Dean Chapman (Canadian Light Source Inc.)   (CCIS L1-047)
16:15 Acquaman: Scientific Software as the Beamline Interface - David Chevrier (Canadian Light Source)   (CCIS L1-047)
16:30 A Phase Space Beam Position Monitor for Synchrotron Radiation - Nazanin Samadi (University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS L1-047)
16:45 Observation of Wakefields in Coherent Synchrotron Radiation at the Canadian Light Source - Ward Wurtz (Canadian Light Source Inc.)   (CCIS L1-047)
Welcome BBQ Reception / Réception d'accueil avec BBQ (until 19:30) (CCIS Ground Level Foyer)
Herzberg Memorial Public Lecture - Miguel Alcubierre, National Univ. of Mexico / Conférence commémorative publique Herzberg - Miguel Alcubierre, National Univ. of Mexico - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 20:30) (Myer Horowitz Theatre)
19:30 Faster than the Speed of Light - Prof. Miguel Alcubierre (National University of Mexico)   (Myer Horowitz Theatre)
Post-talk Reception (until 21:30) (Dinwoodie Lounge)
CAP-NSERC Liaison Committee Report (W. Whelan) / Rapport du Comité de liaison ACP-CRSNG (W. Whelan) - Donna Strickland (University of Waterloo) (until 12:30) (CCIS 1-430)
CAP Past Presidents' Meeting / Réunion des anciens présidents de l'ACP - Ken Ragan (McGill) (until 13:45) (CCIS 4-285)
DAMOPC Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPAMC - Chitra Rangan (U) (until 13:45) (CCIS L2-200)
DMBP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPMB - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 13:45) (CAB 239)
DNP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPN - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-140)
DPP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPP - Chijin Xiao (Univ. of Saskatchewan) (until 13:45) (CCIS L2-190)
IPP Scientific Council Meeting / Réunion du comité scientifique de l'IPP - Michael Roney (University of Victoria) (until 13:45) (CCIS 2-122)
Lunch / Dîner (until 13:45) ()
New Faculty Lunch Meeting with NSERC / Dîner-rencontre des nouveaux professeurs avec le CRSNG (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-029)
Teachers' Day - Lunch / Journée des enseignants - Diner (until 18:00) (CCIS L2 Teaching Labs)
13:00 Afternoon workshops:   (CCIS L2 Teaching Labs)
T2-1 Materials characterization: microscopy, imagining, spectroscopy (DCMMP) / Caractérisation des matériaux: microscopie, imagerie, spectroscopie (DPMCM) - Eundeok Mun (Simon Fraser University) (until 15:15) (NINT Taylor room)
13:45 Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy and its Nanoplasmonic Applications - Prof. Aycan Yurtsever (INRS-EMT)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:15 Means of mitigating the limits to characterization of radiation sensitive samples in an electron microscope. - Marek Malac   (NINT Taylor room)
14:45 Terahertz Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in Ultrahigh Vacuum - Mr Vedran Jelic (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
15:00 Identifying differences in long-range structural disorder in solids using mid-infrared spectroscopy - Ben Xu (Memorial University)   (NINT Taylor room)
T2-10 Cold and trapped atoms, molecules and ions (DAMOPC) / Atomes, molécules et ions froids et piégés (DPAMPC) - Chitra Rangan (University of Windsor) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-200)
13:45 Project ALPHA: Applying AMO Physics to Antimatter and Using Antimatter to Study AMO Physics - Prof. Robert Thompson (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:15 Evaporative Cooling in Electromagnetic Radio Frequency Ion Traps - Lohrasp Seify (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:30 Demonstration of a Microtrap Array and manipulation of Array Elements - Dr Bin Jian (National Research Council)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:45 Engineered spin-orbit coupling in ultracold quantum gases - Lindsay LeBlanc (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-200)
T2-11 Laser, Laser-matter interactions, and plasma based applications (DPP) / Lasers, interactions laser-matière et applications basées sur les plasmas (DPP) - Andranik Sarkissian (PLASMIONIQUE Inc) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-190)
13:45 Modification of graphene films in the flowing afterglow of microwave plasmas at reduced-pressure - Luc Stafford (U.Montréal)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:15 Pump-probe Studies of Warm Dense Matter - Prof. Ying Tsui (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:45 Deposition of functional coatings on glass substrates using a recently-developed atmospheric-pressure microwave plasma jet - Mr Antoine Durocher-Jean (U. Montreal)   (CCIS L2-190)
15:00 Measurements of Ionization States in Warm Dense Aluminum with Femtosecond Betatron Radiation from a Laser Wakefield Accelerator - Mianzhen Mo (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
T2-2 Condensed Matter Theory (DCMMP-DTP) / Théorie de la matière condensée (DPMCM-DPT) - Joseph Maciejko (University of Alberta) (until 15:15) (CAB 235)
13:45 Many-body localization and potential realizations in cold atomic gases - Jesko Sirker (U Manitoba)   (CAB 235)
14:15 Light-Trapping Architecture for Room Temperature Bose-Einstein Condensation of Exciton-Polaritons near Telecommunication Frequencies - Mr Pranai Vasudev (University of Toronto)   (CAB 235)
14:30 Molecular-dynamics simulations of two-dimensional Si nanostructures - Dr Ralf Meyer (Laurentian University)   (CAB 235)
14:45 Inverse melting in a simple 2D liquid - Ahmad Almudallal (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CAB 235)
15:00 Cellular Automaton with nonlinear Viscoelastic Stress Transfer to Model Earthquake Dynamics - Xiaoming Zhang (University of Western Ontario)   (CAB 235)
T2-3 Ground-based / in situ observations and studies of space environment II (DASP) / Observations et études de l'environnement spatial, sur terre et in situ II (DPAE) - Donald Danskin (Natural Resources Canada) (until 15:15) (CAB 243)
13:45 New View of Aurora from Space using the e-POP Fast Auroral Imager - Prof. Leroy Cogger (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
14:15 CASSIOPE e-POP and coordinated ground-based studies of polar ion outflow, auroral dynamics, wave-particle interactions, and radio propagation - Andrew Yau (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
14:30 The nature of GPS receiver bias variabilities: An examination in the Polar Cap region and comparison to Incoherent Scatter Radar - Mr David Themens (University of New Brunswick)   (CAB 243)
14:45 Transmission of Waves from a High-Frequency Ionospheric Heater to the Topside Ionosphere - Dr Gordon James (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
15:00 Dawn-dusk asymmetry in the intensity of polar cap flows as seen by SuperDARN - Alexandre Koustov (U)   (CAB 243)
T2-4 Fields and Strings (DTP) / Champs et cordes (DPT) - Rainer Dick (University of Saskatchewan) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-047)
13:45 Scale and Conformal Invariance in Quantum Field Theory - Prof. Jean-Francois Fortin (Laval University)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:15 Dynamics of Gravitational Collapse in AdS Space-Time - Andrew Frey (University of Winnipeg)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:45 Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of a Holographic Quantum Hall System - Joel Hutchinson (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-047)
15:00 Constraints and Bulk Physics in the AdS/MERA Correspondence - ChunJun Cao (Caltech)   (CCIS L1-047)
T2-5 Nuclear Structure II (DNP) / Structure nucléaire II (DPN) - Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-140)
13:45 Single particle structure in neutron-rich Sr isotopes approaching $N=60$ - Dr Peter Bender (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:15 Doppler shift lifetime measurements using the TIGRESS Integrated Plunger - Mr Aaron Chester (Simon Fraser University Department of Chemistry)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:30 Isomeric decay spectroscopy of 96Cd - Jason Park (University of British Columbia/TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:45 The Electromagnetic Mass Analyser EMMA - Barry Davids (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
15:00 New decay modes of the high-spin isomer of $^{124}$Cs - Allison Radich (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
T2-6 Nuclear Physics in Medicine (DNP-DMBP-DIAP) / Physique nucléaire en médecine (DPN-DPMB-DPIA) - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 15:15) (CAB 239)
13:45 Accelerator-Based Medical Isotope Production at TRIUMF - Paul Schaffer (TRIUMF)   (CAB 239)
14:15 Producing Medical Isotopes with Electron Linacs - Mark de Jong (Canadian Light Source Inc.)   (CAB 239)
14:45 Calculation of isotope yields for radioactive beam production - Ms Fatima Garcia (Simon Fraser University and TRIUMF)   (CAB 239)
15:00 Coincidence Measurements using the SensL MatrixSM-9 Silicon-photomultiplier Array - Dr Jamie Sanchez-Fortun Stoker (University of Regina)   (CAB 239)
T2-7 Energy Frontier: Susy & Exotics II (PPD) / Frontière d'énergie: supersymétrie et particules exotiques II (PPD) -Prof. Dean Karlen (University of Victoria (CA)) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-160)
13:45 Searches for Exotic Physics at ATLAS - Wendy Taylor (York University (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
14:15 A Search for Magnetic Monopoles and Exotic Long-lived Particles with Large Electric Charge at ATLAS - Mr Gabriel David Palacino Caviedes (York University (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
14:30 The MoEDAL Experiment at the LHC - a New Light on the High Energy Frontier - James Pinfold (University of Alberta (CA))   (CCIS 1-160)
T2-8 Cosmic frontier: Dark matter II (PPD) / Frontière cosmique: matière sombre II (PPD) - Aksel Hallin (University of Alberta) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-140)
13:45 Status of the PICASSO and PICO experiments - Dr Guillaume Giroux (Queen's University)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:15 DEAP-3600 trigger - the needle in the haystack - Ben Smith (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:30 Early studies of detector optical calibrations for DEAP-3600 - Dr Berta Beltran (Univeristy of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:45 Single photon counting for the DEAP dark matter detector - Thomas McElroy (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
T2-9 Gender and Arts in Physics Teaching (CEWIP-DPE) / Genre et arts dans l'enseignement de la physique (CEFEP-DEP) -Dr Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-160)
13:45 Model-Based Reasoning in Upper-division Lab Courses - Heather Lewandowski (University of Colorado)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:15 Fabulous Physicists from Around the World: The tale of ICWIP 2014 - Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:45 Gender gaps in a first-year physics lab - Dr James Day (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L1-160)
Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) (until 15:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
T3-1 Materials characterization: electrical, optical, thermal (DCMMP) / Caractérisation des matériaux: électrique, optique, thermique (DPMCM) - Wayne Hiebert (National Institute for Nanotechnology) (until 17:15) (NINT Taylor room)
15:45 A pump-probe technique to measure the Curie temperature distribution of exchange-decoupled nanoscale ferromagnet ensembles - Prof. Simone Pisana (York University)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:15 Optical properties and Fermiology near field-tuned quantum critical points - David Broun (Simon Fraser University)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:45 Protein Biosensing with Fluorescent-Core Microcapillaries - Mr Stephen Lane (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
17:00 Ultrafast modulation of photoluminescence in semiconductors by intense terahertz pulses - Mr David Purschke (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
T3-10 Special session to honour Dr. Akira Hirose II (DPP) / Session spéciale en l'honneur du Dr Akira Hirose II (DPP) - Chijin Xiao (Univ. of Saskatchewan) (until 17:15) (CCIS L2-190)
15:45 From Plasma to Complex Plasma - Prof. Osamu Ishihara (Chubu University/Yokohama National University)   (CCIS L2-190)
16:15 Fluctuations and Transport in Hall devices with ExB drift - Dr Andrei Smolyakov (University of Saakatchewan)   (CCIS L2-190)
16:45 Adaptive Matrix Transpose Algorithms for Distributed Multicore Processors - John Bowman (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
17:00 Dense Plasma Focus for Short-Lived Isotope Activation - Mr R. A. Behbahani (University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS L2-190)
T3-2 Quantum Computation and Communication (DTP-DCMMP-DAMOPC) / Communication et calcul quantique (DPT-DPMCM-DPAMPC) - Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge) (until 17:15) (CCIS L2-200)
15:45 Improving Physical Models of Qubit Decoherence and Readout - Prof. Bill Coish (McGill University)   (CCIS L2-200)
16:15 NanoQEY Quantum Key Distribution Satellite - Christopher Pugh (University of Waterloo)   (CCIS L2-200)
16:30 Towards a Quantum Non-Demolition Measurement for Photonic Qubits - Chetan Deshmukh (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
16:45 Evanescent Waveguide Microscopies for Bio-Application - Prof. Silvia Mittler (University of Western Ontario)   (CCIS L2-200)
T3-3 Ground-based / in situ observations and studies of space environment III (DASP) / Observations et études de l'environnement spatial, sur terre et in situ III (DPAE) -Prof. Richard Marchand (University of Alberta) (until 17:15) (CAB 243)
15:45 Anisotropic ion temperatures and ion flows adjacent to auroral precipitating electrons - William Archer (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
16:15 Generation, dynamics, and decay of a polar cap patch - Dr Thayyil Jayachandran (University of New Brunswick)   (CAB 243)
16:30 Temporal and Spatial Evolution of Poynting Flux Measured with Swarm - Mr Matthew Patrick (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
16:45 Small Scale Structuring in Electron Precipitation as seen by the ePOP Suprathermal Electron Imager - Taylor Cameron (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
17:00 Cusp Ion Upflows Observed by e-POP SEI and RISR-N: Initial Results - Yangyang Shen (University of Calgary)   (CAB 243)
T3-4 Cosmic Frontier: Dark Matter III (PPD)/ Frontière cosmique: matière sombre III (PPD) - Thomas Gregoire (Carleton University) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-140)
15:45 Status of the SuperCDMS and European Cryogenic Dark Matter experiments - Dr Gilles Gerbier (Queens University)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:15 New Pulse Processing Algorithm for SuperCDMS - Mr Ryan Underwood (Queens University)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:30 Alpha particle backgrounds from the neck of the DEAP-3600 dark matter detector - Dr James Bueno (University of Alberta)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:45 Optimizing the wavelength-shifter thickness for alpha suppression in the DEAP-3600 detector - Derek Cranshaw (Queen's University)   (CCIS 1-140)
T3-5 Study of Neutrino Oscillations (PPD-DTP-DNP) / Études des oscillations de neutrinos (PPD-DPT-DPN) - Zoltan Gecse (University of British Columbia (CA)) (until 17:15) (CAB 235)
15:45 Status of Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiments - Dr Nicholas Hastings (University of Regina)   (CAB 235)
16:15 Electron Neutrino Cross Section Measurements at the T2K Off-Axis Near Detector - Fady Shaker (university of winnipeg)   (CAB 235)
16:30 Constraining Oscillation Analysis Inputs at the T2K Near Detector - Christine Nielsen (University of British Columbia)   (CAB 235)
16:45 Deep Core and PINGU - Studying Neutrinos in the Ice - Ken Clark (University of Toronto)   (CAB 235)
17:00 Experimental test of the unitarity of the leptonic mixing (PMNS) matrix - Dr Akira Konaka (TRIUMF)   (CAB 235)
T3-6 Nuclear Structure III (DNP) / Structures nucléaires III (DPN) - Jens Dilling (triumf/UBC) (until 17:15) (CCIS L1-140)
15:45 Beta-decay from $^{47}$K to $^{47}$Ca with GRIFFIN - Dr Jenna Smith (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:00 Investigating the Structure of $^{46}$Ca through the $\beta^{-}$ Decay of $^{46}$K Utilizing the New GRIFFIN Spectrometer - Ms Jennifer Pore (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:15 The first GRIFFIN Experiment: An investigation of the $s$-process yields for $^{116}$Cd - Mr Ryan Dunlop (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:30 Gamma-Gamma Angular Correlation Measurements With GRIFFIN - Mr Andrew MacLean (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
16:45 High-Precision Half-Life Measurements for the Superallowed $\beta^+$ emitter $^{10}$C - Michelle Dunlop (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
17:00 The First Radioactive Beam at GRIFFIN: $^{26}$Na for Decay Spectroscopy - Nikita Bernier (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
T3-7 Panel on Women in Phyiscs (CEWIP) / Table ronde sur les femmes en physique (CEFEP) - Shohini Ghose (urn:Facebook) (until 17:15) (CCIS L1-160)
15:45 Panel Discussion on Women in Physics   (CCIS L1-160)
T3-8 Advanced Instrumentation at Major Science Facilities: Detectors I (DIMP) / Instrumentation avancée dans des installations scientifiques majeures: détecteurs I (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-160)
15:45 Advanced Instrumentation at TRIUMF - Prof. Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:15 Development and simulations of the CANREB RFQ buncher and cooler at the TRIUMF facility - Mr Jeff Bale (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:30 Photodetection with SiPM in particle physics and materials science - Fabrice Retiere (TRIUMF)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:45 The Electrodynamometer of the McPherson Collection of Scientific Instruments - Jean Barrette (McGill University)   (CCIS 1-160)
T3-9 Molecular Biophysics (DMBP) / Biophysique moléculaire (DPMB) - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 17:15) (CAB 239)
15:45 Watching proteins fold: capturing the conformational diffusion of single molecules during structural self-assembly - Michael Woodside (University of Alberta)   (CAB 239)
16:15 Coarse-Grained computer simulations of Alzheimer’s beta-amyloid peptides, using the Mercedes-Benz Hydrogen Bond Potential - Dr Apichart Linhananta (Lakehead University)   (CAB 239)
16:30 The Formation of Alzheimer's Plaques in Synthetic Membranes - Jennifer Tang (McMaster University)   (CAB 239)
16:45 Alzheimer's Disease Amyloid Beta(25-35): An Oligomeric Aggregation Simulation From Monomers to Ordered Filaments - Robert Girardin (Lakehead University)   (CAB 239)
17:00 Kinetics of Chain Motions within the disordered eIF4E-BP2 protein - Zhenfu Zhang (University of Toronto)   (CAB 239)
Department Leaders Business Meeting / Réunion d'affaires des directeurs de départements - Barbara Frisken (Simon Fraser University) (until 19:00) (Athabaska Hall, Heritage Room (#227))
CJP Editorial Board Meeting / Réunion du comité de rédaction de la RCP - Michael O. Steinitz (St. Francis-Xavier University) (until 21:30) ()
Science Policy: Where do you fit? / Politique scientifique : où vous situez-vous? - Christopher Pugh (University of Waterloo) (until 19:50) (CCIS L2-190)
19:00 The 2018 Shutdown of the NRU reactor - John Root (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)   (CCIS L2-190)
19:10 How physicists can have a stronger voice in Ottawa - Ted Hsu (MP, Kingston and the Islands)   (CCIS L2-190)
Break / Pause (until 19:55) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
Physics Career Paths: Stories of where a Physics Education can lead / Cheminements de carrière en physique: où des études en physique pourraient vous mener - Christopher Pugh (University of Waterloo) (until 21:15) (CCIS L2-190)
19:55 Inelastic Collisions Outside Academe: Alternate Careers for Physicists - Dr Gary Albach (Former President and CEO, Alberta Innovates – Technology Futures)   (CCIS L2-190)
20:30 Intro: 2 other stories of where physics training led (and how)   (CCIS L2-190)
20:50 Panel / Round-Table Discussion   (CCIS L2-190)
Post-workshops Meet & Greet - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland) Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) (until 22:00) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
W-MEDAL2 CAP Medal Talk - Charles Gale, McGill U. (CAP-CRM Prize in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Recipient / Récipiendaire Prix ACP-CRM en physique théorique et mathématique) - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 12:30) (CCIS 1-430)
12:00 QCD under extreme conditions: Hot, shiny fluids and sticky business - Charles Gale (McGill University)   (CCIS 1-430)
DASP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPAE -Prof. Richard Marchand (University of Alberta) (until 13:45) (CAB 243)
DCMMP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPMCM - Mona Berciu (University of British Columbia) (until 13:45) (CAB 235)
DIMP-DIAP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPIM-DPIA - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) René Roy (Université Laval) (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-029)
DPE Annual Meetings / Assemblée annuelle DEP - Calvin Kalman (Concordia University) (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-160)
Lunch / Dîner (until 13:45) ()
W2-1 Spintronics and spintronic devices (DCMMP) / Spintronique et technologies spintroniques (DPMCM) - Can-Ming Hu (University of Manitoba) (until 15:15) (NINT Taylor room)
13:45 Spin Currents in Magnetic Insulator/Normal Metal Heterostructures - Dr Sebastian Goennenwein (Walther-Meissner-Institut, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Garching, Germany)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:15 Controlling magnetization dynamics with artificial pinning sites in thin magnetic disks - Fatemeh Fani Sani (UofA)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:30 Spin pumping in electrodynamically coupled magnon-photon systems - Dr Lihui Bai (University of Manitoba)   (NINT Taylor room)
14:45 Towards Microwave-Frequency Spin Mechanics - Dylan Grandmont (Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2G7)   (NINT Taylor room)
15:00 Explosive molecule detection by nanomechanical resonator and photothermal spectroscopy - Tushar Biswas (Department of Physics, University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
W2-10 Spectroscopy and Optics (DAMOPC) / Spectroscopie et optique (DPAMPC) - Paul Haljan (Simon Fraser University) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-200)
14:00 Atomic Recoil Processes following He-6 Beta Decay - Dr Gordon Drake (University of Windsor)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:15 The spectrum of 15NH3 in the 66-2000 cm-1 region - Li-Hong Xu (University of New Brunswick) Ronald Lees (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:30 Generalized Waveguide Theory including Electromagnetic Duality - Mrs Nafiseh Sang-Nourpour (Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4, Canada ; Photonics Group, Research Institute for Applied Physics and Astronomy, University of Tabriz, Tabriz 51665-163, Iran)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:45 **WITHDRAWN** Observing the effects of Time Ordering in Single Photon Frequency Conversion - Nicolas Quesada (University of Toronto)   (CCIS L2-200)
15:00 Accurate and Precise Characterization of Linear Optical Interferometers - Mr Ish Dhand (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L2-200)
W2-11 Microfluidics and Driven Motion (DMBP) / Microfluidique et mouvement forcé (DPMB) - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 15:15) (CAB 235)
13:45 Measuring flow and yielding with coherent x-rays - Michael Rogers (University of Ottawa)   (CAB 235)
14:15 Structure Determination from Single-Particle X-ray Imaging - Dr Ahmad Hosseinizadeh (Univ. of Wisconsin, USA)   (CAB 235)
14:30 Investigating the correlation between molecular structure and mechanical properties of collagen using optical tweezers - Dr Marjan Shayegan (Postdoctoral Researcher)   (CAB 235)
14:45 Interferometric second harmonic generation imaging of biological tissues - Prof. François Légaré (INRS-EMT)   (CAB 235)
15:00 MR Imaging with Radiofrequency Phase Gradients - Dr Jonathan Sharp (University of Alberta)   (CAB 235)
W2-2 Quantum Information and Quantum Computation (DTP-DCMMP) / Information et calcul quantique (DPT-DPMCM) - Svetlana Barkanova (Acadia University) (until 15:15) (CAB 239)
13:45 Wigner function negativity and contextuality in quantum computation on rebits - Robert Raussendorf (UBC)   (CAB 239)
14:15 Orbital Interference Effects in Nanowire Josephson Junctions for Exploring Majorana Physics - Jonathan Baugh (University of Waterloo)   (CAB 239)
14:45 Multiqubit entangled channels for quantum communication in networks - Shohini Ghose (Wilfrid Laurier University)   (CAB 239)
W2-3 Gravity II (DTP) / Gravité II (DPT) - Ariel Edery (Bishop's University) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-140)
13:45 Gravitational Waves Probes of Extreme Gravity Physics - Prof. Nicolas Yunes (Montana State University)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:15 Searching for Nanohertz Gravitational Waves Using Pulsars - Ingrid Stairs (UBC)   (CCIS 1-140)
14:45 Searching for gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences with Advanced LIGO - Michael Landry (LIGO Hanford Observatory/Caltech)   (CCIS 1-140)
W2-4 Testing Fundamental Symmetries I (DNP-PPD) / Tests de symétries fondamentales I (DPN-PPD) - Jenna Smith (TRIUMF) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-140)
13:45 Casting Light on Antimatter: Fundamental Physics with the ALPHA Antihydrogen Trap - Dr Makoto Fujiwara (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:15 High Precision Weak Charge Measurements using Parity Violating Electron Scattering: Looking for Signatures of New Physics at the Precision Frontier - Michael Gericke (University of Manitoba)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:45 Muon g-2/edm at J-PARC - Glen Marshall (TRIUMF)   (CCIS L1-140)
15:00 Investigation of the E2 and E3 matrix elements in $^{200}$Hg using direct nuclear reactions - Evan Rand (University of Guelph)   (CCIS L1-140)
W2-5 Atmospheric physics (DASP) / Physique atmosphérique (DPAE) -Prof. Thayyil Jayachandran (University of New Brunswick) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-160)
13:45 Measurement of Mesospheric Ozone Using Meteor Decay Times - Prof. Wayne Hocking (University of Western Ontario)   (CCIS 1-160)
14:15 Wind and Gravity Wave Observations with ERWIN-II - Samuel Kristoffersen (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS 1-160)
14:30 Imaging mesospheric winds using the Michelson Interferometer for Airglow Dynamics Imaging (MIADI) - Mr Jeffery Langille (UNB)   (CCIS 1-160)
14:45 CAFTON and PEARL: Using Ground-based FTIR Spectroscopy to Probe Atmospheric Composition over Canada - Kimberly Strong (University of Toronto)   (CCIS 1-160)
W2-6 Special session to honor Dr. Akira Hirose IV (DPP) / Session spéciale en l'honneur du Dr Akira Hirose IV (DPP) - Ying Tsui (University of Alberta) (until 15:15) (CAB 243)
13:45 Solenoid-free Plasma Start-up in NSTX using Transient Coaxial Helicity Injection (CHI) - Dr Roger Raman (University of Washington)   (CAB 243)
14:15 Impacts of STOR tokamaks on fusion research - Prof. Osamu Mitarai (Tokai University)   (CAB 243)
14:45 Compact Torus Injection for Fuelling - Chijin Xiao (Univ. of Saskatchewan)   (CAB 243)
W2-7 Cosmic Frontier: Astrophysics and Neutrinos (PPD) / Frontière cosmique : astrophysique et neutrinos (PPD) -Dr Guillaume Giroux (Queen's University) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-190)
13:45 Recent Results from IceCube - Claudio Kopper (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:15 Long-Term Stability of Backgrounds in the IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Benedikt Riedel (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:30 Direct reconstruction - a new event reconstruction algorithm for the IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Sarah Nowicki (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
14:45 Long-Term Supernova Monitoring with HALO - Mr Colin Bruulsema (Laurentian University)   (CCIS L2-190)
15:00 Atmospheric Neutrino Measurement with IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Tania Wood (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-190)
W2-8 Labs and/or undergraduate research experiences (DPE) / Expériences de recherche en laboratoire et/ou au premier cycle (DEP) - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-160)
13:45 A New format for Reporting in a First Year Physics Laboratory - Dr Marzena Kastyak-Ibrahim (University of Manitoba)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:00 Paperless physics laboratory course using the Blackboard resources. - Natalia Krasnopolskaia (University of Toronto)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:15 **WITHDRAWN** Upper Level Undergraduate Physics Laboratories Competencies - Dr Tetyana Antimirova (Ryerson University)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:30 The University of Calgary Instructor of Record mentorship program: helping graduate students make the transition to becoming effective instructors - Michael Wieser (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:45 Making Comparisons - A Strategy for Teaching Scientific Reasoning in a First Year Lab - Prof. D.A. Bonn (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS L1-160)
15:00 Off with the training wheels: Student centered approach to lab work. - Mr Benoit Blanchet (Cégep de Rivière-du-Loup)   (CCIS L1-160)
W2-9 General Instrumentation and Measurement Physics (DIMP) / Physique générale des instruments et mesures (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-047)
13:45 A review of imaging methods in analysis of works of art. Thermographic imaging method in art analysis. - Dr Dmitry Gavrilov (University of Windsor, Windsor, Canada)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:15 Making and using atomically defined nanotips - Radovan Urban (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:30 Performance Assessment of a Silicon-Based Piezoresistive MEMS Strain Sensor - Mr Ronald Delos Reyes (University of Alberta, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering)   (CCIS L1-047)
14:45 The Saskatchewan Centre for Cyclotron Sciences: Developing a multi-use cyclotron facility - Sara Ho (Saskatchewan Centre for Cyclotron Sciences)   (CCIS L1-047)
Health Break (with exhibitors) / Pause santé (avec exposants) (until 15:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
W-MEDAL1 CAP Medal Talk François Légaré, EMT-INRS (CAP Herzberg Medal Recipient/Récipiendaire de la médaille Herzberg de l'ACP) - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 16:15) (CCIS 1-430)
15:45 A new strategy to build ultrafast lasers; Frequency domain Optical Parametric Amplification - Francois Legare (INRS-EMT)   (CCIS 1-430)
W-MEDAL2 CAP Medal Talk - John F. Martin, IPP / U. Toronto (Achievement Medal Recipient / Récipiendaire de la médaille pour contributions exceptionnelles) - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 16:45) (CCIS 1-430)
16:15 From Quarks to Neutrinos, Adventures in Particle Physics - John Martin (Department of Physics and Astronomy)   (CCIS 1-430)
CAP President's report / Rapport du président de l'ACP - Robert Fedosejevs (University of Alberta) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-430)
CAP Annual General Meeting with election of Board and Advisory Council members/ Assemblée générale annuelle de l'ACP avec election des membres du c.a. et du conseil consultatif (until 19:00) (CCIS 1-430)
"Friends of CAP" Dinner and Meeting / Souper et réunion des "Ami(e)s de l'ACP" - Kenneth Ragan (McGill University) (until 21:00) (CCIS L1-047)
DAMOPC Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches avec bière DPAMPC - Chitra Rangan (U) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Two-dimensional accelerating beams along arbitrary trajectories and enhancement of their peak intensities - Luca La Volpe (INRS)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Pulsed Laser Spectroscopy of Xe129 for a Co-magnetometer in the TRIUMF Neutron Electron Dipole Moment Experiment - Eric R Miller (The University of British Columbia)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Ultracold gas coupled to a nanomechanical resonator via Zeeman interaction - Andrei Tretiakov (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Application Of An Optical Parametric Oscillator For Infrared Spectroscopy Of Jet-Cooled Molecules And Complexes. - Mr Luis Carlos Welbanks Camarena (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 Using radio frequency radiation to discover new effects in ultracold gases - Taras Hrushevskyi (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Development of a High Intensity Yb:YAG Pumped Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification Laser System - Mohammed Eltahlawy (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:12 Proposal of creating spin cat states in Bose-Einstein condensates - Hon Wai Lau (IQST, Univeristy of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:16 **WITHDRAWN** Particle vs. Mode Entanglement in Quantum Enhanced Optical Metrology - Nicolas Quesada (University of Toronto)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:18 RECENT LINE-SHAPE STUDIES INVOLVING TRANSITIONS OF ACETYLENE BROADENED BY CARBON DIOXIDE - Li-Hong Xu (University of New Brunswick) Ronald Lees (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:20 Detection of Trace Gases using Fiber Laser Technology- Part 2 - Mr Jonas Valiunas (Lakehead University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:22 Numerical Analysis of Er-doped DFB Fiber Laser: Er ion Concentration and Output Power Optimization - Jalal Norooz Oliaee (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DASP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches avec bière DPAE -Prof. Richard Marchand (University of Alberta) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Changes in Global Precipitation from 1850 to the Present - Ms Atifa Syed (Physics Department, York University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Possibility of determining predominant SO2 oxidation pathways by isotope fractionation or source apportionment - Mrs Neda Amiri (Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Characterization of Ionospheric Scintillation at High Latitude - Mr Hichem Mezaoui (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Comparison of IGS Network GPS Receiver DCBs Provided by CODE and a Single Station Estimation Method - Anthony McCaffrey (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 Ionospheric Sounding Opportunities Using Signal Data From Pre-existing Amateur Radio And Operational Networks - Alex Cushley   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Determining the equatorial dayside plasma density using travel-time magnetoseismology - Mr Robert Ridgway (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:12 A Statistical Study of Drifts of Patchy Pulsating Aurora:Observed by THEMIS All-Sky Imagers - Bing Yang (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:14 Distribution of Gravity Wave Parameters over Eureka, Nunavut using the All Sky Imager - Chris Vail (University of New Brunswick)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:16 Motion of the Polar Cap Arcs and Associated Plasma Flows - Ms Kateryna Yakymenko (student)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:18 Pre-stellar Cores in the Aquila Rift - Mr Jeremy Scott (Student at the University of Lethbridge)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:20 Early results from the ABOVE radio instrument array - Christopher Cully (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:22 A Case Study of Energetic Electron Precipitation Using Ground-Based VLF Radio Data - Eric Davis (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DCMMP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPMCM - Mona Berciu (University of British Columbia) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Optomechanics with a Twist - Paul Kim (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Photonic actuation and detection of higher order modes in nanomechanical resonators - J. N. Westwood-Bachman (University of Alberta, National Institute for Nanotechnology)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Coupling THz Pulses to a Scanning Tunneling Microscope - Peter Nguyen (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Ultrafast All-Optical Switching in Semiconductor Nanoparticles - Jeff Krupa (University of British Columbia)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 GC-MS to GC-NOMS: A step towards portable analysis - Dr Anandram Venkatasubramanian (Post Doctoral research fellow)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Poor Q-factor? - no problem: nano-optomechanical mass sensing in ambient conditions - Mr S. K. Roy (Department of Physics, University of Alberta and National Institute for Nanotechnology (NINT), Canada.)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:12 Modeling dome microcavities in COMSOL - Hugh Ramp (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:14 Thermophysical Properties of Heavy Water and Pertinent Calculations - Dr Robert L. Varty (Consultant in Engineering Science)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:16 Deuterium NMR and Rheology of Microgel Colloids at Ambient and High Pressure - Suhad SBEIH (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:18 Adsorption of thiophene-based molecules at passivated silicon surfaces - Renjie Liu (Lakehead University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:20 Dielectric spectroscopy of polyvinyl alcohol cryogels - John de Bruyn (Western University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:22 Granular assemblies: a sandbox of nonlinear physics phenomena - Michelle Przedborski (Brock University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:24 Anisotropic Bragg mirror made from one single material used for polarized laser emission from a Yb-doped YAG ceramic - Jean-François Bisson (Université de Moncton)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DIAP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPIA - René Roy (Université Laval) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Water and Defect Detection Beneath Rubber Using Terahertz Reflection Tomography - Mr Patrick Kilcullen (University of Northern British Columbia)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DIMP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPIM - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Focus study to measure phase effects of a bent Laue beam expander - Mercedes Martinson (University of Saskatchewan)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Development of a Vibrating Wire Rheometer - Prof. John de Bruyn (The University of Western Ontario)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Update of the imaging capabilities of the biomedical imaging and therapy facility at the Canadian Light Source - M. Adam Webb (Canadian Light Source)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 The Brockhouse X-ray Diffraction and Scattering Sector at the Canadian Light Source - Ariel Gomez (Canadian Light Source)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 Improving sensitivities and detection limits of fluorescence-based microcavity refractometric sensors - Rose (Deborah) Chung (Department of Physics, University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DMBP Poster session, with beer / Session d'affiches DPMB, avec bière - Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Massively parallel genomic analysis using tunable nanoscale confinement - Marjan Shayegan   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Single-Molecule Microscopy System for Tunable Nanoscale Confinement - Mr Adriel Arsenault (McGill University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DNP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPN - Zisis Papandreou (University of Regina) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Evolution of Single Particle Structure in Exotic Strontium Isotopes - Steffen Cruz   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Low-Light Photosensor Applications in Plant Imaging & Personal Radiation Detection - Jamie Sanchez-Fortun Stoker (University of Regina)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DPE Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches avec bière DPE - Calvin Kalman (Concordia University) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 37 Years of High School Physics Olympics Competitions at the University of British Columbia - Janis McKenna (University of British Columbia) Marina Milner-Bolotin (The University of British Columbia)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DPP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPP - Chijin Xiao (Univ. of Saskatchewan) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Measurement of High Magnetic Fields in Laser Produced Plasmas - Ms Fatema Liza (University fo Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Intense, double pulse irradiation of targets for MeV proton acceleration - Shaun Kerr (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Interferometric characterization of preplasma density for laser created plasmas - Laila Nawsheen Manzoor (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Optical Pumping Within a Laser-Induced Plasma to Enhance Trace Element Signal Intensity - Mr Anthony Piazza (University of Windsor)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 Terahertz source development for studying Warm Dense Matter and High Energy Density Plasmas - Chandra Curry (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Characterization of Initial Target Conditions in High Intensity Laser Solids Interaction Experiments - Zhijiang Chen (SLAC National Accelarator Laboratory) Ying Tsui (University of Alberta)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DTP Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière DPT - Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Algorithms for Boson Realizations of SU(n) - Ish Dhand (University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Quantum corrected numerical relativity - Anindita Dutta (University of Lethbridge)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 Bohmian trajectories for harmonic oscillator and Coulomb potentials - Mr Benjamin Dupuis (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Unified Theory of Forces - Kaveh Mozafari (ExcellenSation)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Tunneling decay of false kinks - Yvan Ung (University of Montreal)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:12 Electric quantum walks without electric field: an optical implementation scheme - Dr Wei-Wei Zhang (IQST, University of Calgary)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
PPD Poster Session with beer / Session d'affiches, avec bière PPD - Jean-Francois Arguin (Universite de Montreal (CA)) (until 22:00) (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:00 Calibration of the DEAP-3600 photomultiplier tubes - Dr Tina Pollmann (Laurentian University) Dr Marcin Kuźniak (Queen's University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:02 Simulation study of the use of internal Ar-39 beta decays for energy calibration of the DEAP-3600 detector. - Chris Jillings (SNOLAB)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:04 The DEAP-3600 Dark Matter detector - Dr Tina Pollmann (Laurentian University) Pietro Giampa (Queen's University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:06 Study of neck alpha backgrounds in the DEAP-3600 dark matter detector - Courtney Mielnichuk   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:08 In-situ Surface Contamination Removal With the DEAP-3600 Resurfacing Robot - Dr Bei Cai (Queen's University)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
19:10 Skyrmion configurations for Near-BPS Skyrme Models - Mr Nicolas Giasson (Université Laval)   (CCIS Ground Floor PCL lounge)
DHP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DHP - Jean Barrette (McGill University) (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-029)
DTP Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle DPT - Arundhati Dasgupta (University of Lethbridge) (until 13:45) (CCIS L1-047)
Lunch / Dîner (until 13:45) ()
PPD Annual Meeting / Assemblée annuelle PPD - Jean-Francois Arguin (Universite de Montreal (CA)) (until 13:45) (CCIS 1-140)
12:30 Status report - Jean-Francois Arguin (Universite de Montreal (CA))   (CCIS 1-140)
R2-1 Optomechanics - minisymposium II (DCMMP-DAMOPC) / Optomécanique - minisymposium II (DPMCM-DPAMPC) - Giovanni Fanchini (The University of Western Ontario) (until 15:15) (CCIS L2-200)
13:45 Optomechanics in a Millikelvin Environment: Towards QND Measurements - John Davis (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:15 Applying nano-optomechanics to mass sensing - Wayne Hiebert (National Institute for Nanotechnology)   (CCIS L2-200)
14:45 Optically-Defined Micromechanical Sensors - Jack Sankey (McGill University)   (CCIS L2-200)
R2-2 Strongly correlated systems (DCMMP) / Systèmes fortement corrélés (DPMCM) - Jinshan Wu (Beijing Normal University) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-140)
13:45 What does localization mean in interacting systems? - Rachel Wortis (Trent University)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:15 An emergent phase transition as an organizing principle for strongly correlated superconductors - Andre-Marie Tremblay (Universite de Sherbrooke)   (CCIS L1-140)
14:45 Dynamic Hubbard model description os superconductivity - Prof. Frank Marsiglio (University of Alberta)   (CCIS L1-140)
R2-3 **CANCELLED** Advanced Instrumentation at Major Science Facilities: Data Acquisition (DIMP) / **ANNULÉE** Instrumentation avancée dans des installations scientifiques majeures: données et applications (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 15:15) (CCIS 1-160)
R2-4 Curriculum Development and Revitalization (DPE) / Développement et revitalisation des programmes (DEP) - Patricia Mitchler (Balmoral Hall School) (until 15:15) (CCIS L1-160)
13:45 Launching the Canadian Institute of Physics Education Research (CIPhER) - Nathaniel Lasry (John Abbott College)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:15 The design, implementation and continuous improvement of "Introduction to Graduate Studies: Research and Teaching in Physics" at SFU - Daria Ahrensmeier (Simon Fraser University)   (CCIS L1-160)
14:45 The "PHAS Smart Exam" an attempt to improve the examination process of the multi-section intro physics course. - Dr Philip Langill (University of Calgary)   (CCIS L1-160)
15:00 Panel   (CCIS L1-160)
Health Break / Pause santé (until 15:45) (CCIS L2 Foyer)
R3-1 Light-Matter Interactions (DAMOPC-DCMMP) / Interactions entre la lumière et la matière (DPAMPC-DPMCM) - Paul Barclay (University of Calgary) (until 17:15) (NINT Taylor room)
15:45 Gold Nanostructures and Their Applications - Prof. Alexandre Brolo (University of Victoria)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:15 Superfluid $^4$He Helmoltz nanoresonator - Fabien Souris (University of Alberta)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:30 Torque Magnetometry of an Individual Aggregate of ~350 Nanoparticles - Tayyaba Firdous (Department of Physics, University of Alberta, T6G 2E1, Canada)   (NINT Taylor room)
16:45 Interdisciplinary Applications of Optical Spectroscopy on a Laser-Induced Plasma - Steven Rehse (University of Windsor)   (NINT Taylor room)
R3-2 Polymers and Biopolymers (DCMMP-DMBP) / Polymères et biopolymères (DPMCM-DPMB) - Melanie Martin (University of Winnipeg) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-140)
15:45 Plasticity in amorphous solids - Joerg Rottler (UBC)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:15 Getting into that "Room at the Bottom" of DNA Analysis using Tunable Nanoscale Confinement - Sabrina Leslie (McGill University)   (CCIS 1-140)
16:45 Multiscale modeling of multifunctional, hybrid and nanomaterials: from quantum chemical and microscopic to coarse-grained level with an effective pair potential - Alexander E. Kobryn (National Institute for Nanotechnology)   (CCIS 1-140)
17:00 Quantitative metrics for assessing positional and orientational order in colloidal crystals - Kristin Poduska (Memorial University of Newfoundland)   (CCIS 1-140)
R3-3 Advanced Instrumentation at Major Science Facilities: Data and Applications (DIMP) / Instrumentation avancée dans des installations scientifiques majeures: acquisition de données (DPIM) - Kirk Michaelian (Natural Resources Canada) (until 17:15) (CCIS 1-160)
15:45 Review of the recent progress at the Advanced Laser Light Source facility and applications - Jean-Claude KIEFFER (EMT-INRS)   (CCIS 1-160)
16:15 Advanced Instrumentation at the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre - John Root (Canadian Nuclear Laboratories)   (CCIS 1-160)
CEWIP Annual Meeting & Reception / Assemblée annuelle CEFEP et réception - Shohini Ghose (urn:Facebook) (until 18:45) (CCIS L1-047)
Recognition Reception at the Art Gallery / Réception de reconnaissance à la Art Gallery (until 22:00) ()
F-PLEN2 Plenary Session - David A. Weitz, SEAS Harvard / Session plénière - David A. Weitz, SEAS Harvard - Adam Sarty (Saint Mary's University) Maikel Rheinstadter (McMaster University) (until 13:30) (CCIS L2-190)
12:45 Cell Stiffness and Cell Volume - Prof. David A. Weitz (SEAS Harvard)   (CCIS L2-190)
(F-PLEN3) Announcement of Winner, CAP Best Student Presentation and Close of Conference / L'annonce du gagnant(e) compétition meilleure communication étudiante de l'ACP, Clôture du Congrès - Richard MacKenzie (U. Montréal) (until 14:00) (CCIS L2-190)
CAP Board Meeting (New and Old) / Réunion du CA de l'ACP (nouveau et ancien) (until 15:30) (CCIS L1-047)
Meeting of Local Organizing Committees 2015, 2016 + / Réunion des comites organisateurs locaux 2015, 2016 + (until 17:00) (CCIS L1-047)