Sep 2 – 9, 2007
Victoria, Canada
Europe/Zurich timezone
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Building a production-grade Grid infrastructure at DESY

Sep 3, 2007, 8:00 AM
10h 10m
Victoria, Canada

Victoria, Canada

Board: 81
poster Computer facilities, production grids and networking Poster 1


Dr Andreas Gellrich (DESY)


As a partner of the international EGEE project in the German/Switzerland federation (DECH) and as a member of the national D-GRID initiative, DESY operates a large-scale production-grade Grid infrastructure with hundreds of CPU cores and hundreds of Terabytes of disk storage. As Tier-2/3 center for ATLAS and CMS DESY plays a leading role in Grid computing in Germany. DESY strongly support non-LHC VOs and fosters the Grid usage in other eScience fields. The DESY Grid infrastructure is the home of a number of global, regional, and local VOs, among them are the HERA experiments H1 and ZEUS ('hone', 'zeus'), the ILC community ('calice', 'ilc'), and for the International Lattice Data Grid ('ildg'). All of them are heavily using the Grid for event simulation and data analysis. The DESY Grid infrastructure incorporates all necessary Grid services to host its VOs and provides computing and storage resources for all supported VOs in the same Grid infrastructure. Main emphasis has been put on embedding the Grid infrastructure seamlessly in the DESY computer center. Crucial aspects are the choice of batch system and storage technologies (dCache). Important aspects are reliability of services by providing redundancies, monitoring, and administrative tools as well as scalable installation and updating procedures. In the contribution the CHEP07 we will describe the Grid set-up at DESY and discuss in detail concepts and implementation to achieve a scalable, pervasive, and easy to maintain system which meets the requirements of a global Grid.



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