Librarian and Integrators meeting



Stefan Roiser (CERN)
The bi-weekly meeting of the LHC librarians and LCG/AA projects
Attendees: Andrea Valassi, Hubert Degaudenzi, Andreas Pfeiffer, Stefan Roiser, Emil Obreshkov News === New external software installations --- - qt 4.4.1 - pyqt 4.4.3 - sip 4.7.7 - castor 2.1.7-15 - qt 4.3.0 was rebuilt for osx/105 - a problem in gccxml 0.9 series was found and fixed. The "simulation" of the header filegthr-default.h was not correct. The fix has been applied and provided back to the gccxml developers, now in their repository. The latest gccxml 0.9 has also been patched. LCGCMT --- - The Boost date_time library provides nsec resolution, through the LCGCMT interface package this feature can be used with "apply_tag USE_BOOST_TIME_WITH_NSEC_RESOLUTION" - Several Interface packages for Grid software have been added. These include voms_apicpp, voms_clients, myprox, grid_proxies - The interface for sherpa has been changed in order to comply to the changes after version 1.1 SLC4 --- - Using SLC 4.7 since 1. Sept. - Andreas reported that ssh execution of a command (not interactive login) will only contain 3 PATH entries /usr/bin, /usr/sue/bin, /bin (before also contained /usr/X11/bin). Opengrok --- - The test website is available at https:// . It contains tests for Atlas and LHCb Round Table === Atlas --- - nothing to report CMS --- - Andreas reported a bug in ROOT 5.18. A template class with a name of more than 256 chars cannot be handled, because of some hardcoded limit in TClass. Hubert reported that LHCb has found a similar issue with dynamic loading of libraries (max total length of path and lib also 256). LHCb --- - a new macro which points to the home of the project, the name is <PROJECT>_home has been moved from GAUDI to LCGCMT. Now available in all production branches. Persistency --- Andrea reported about windows porting problems to VC9 - the execution of some test applications is failing - qmtest and gccxml don't work, they need to be recompiled - The current boost version (1.35) issues some warnings about "non supported compiler" - we can try to move to 1.36 - Some database tests of the persistency projects failed because the acls for "lcgnight" the nightly build user were not correct for the afs directory containing the access information - fixed now. - Some COOL tests are still failing - Andrea is investigating together with Zhen. Aob === -
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