4th Huddersfield Annual Accelerator Symposium
University of Huddersfield
University of Huddersfield
Queensgate Campus,
The University of Huddersfield
Huddersfield HD1 3DH
The morning, lunch and late afternoon sessions will be in the 3M Buckley Innovation Centre, in room 2/31 (The Presentation Centre). Go in at the main entrance and up the stairs (or take the lift).
The early afternoon session will be in the Ramsden Workshops.
These are within a few minutes walk from each other, and are numbers 15 and 23 on the campus map:
Unfortunately there are no more spare university parking spaces - parking is available on Colne Rod ( HD1 3AY for your satnav) at a cost of £3-50 for the day, and also in many well-signposted town centre car parks.
For directions or any other information, contact Roger Barlow on Roger.Barlow@hud.ac.uk
A K M Mehedi Hasan Bhuiyan
Adriana Bungau
Aimee Hopper
Albright Simon
Amos Dexter
Andrzej Kacperek
Andy Smith
Ayash Alrashdi
Becky Seviour
Catherine Vanessa Finch
Cezarina Chirvase
Charlotte Allen
Cristian Bungau
Dave Armour
David Bruton
David Sangcheol Lee
David Sykes
Dorothee Minssen
Grace Carpenter
Graeme Greaves
Graham Bushnell-Wye
Haroon Rafique
Jaap Van den Berg
Jaroslav Manis
Jonathan Hinks
Jordan Taylor
Katharine Robertson
Keith Potter
Kerry Ann Parker
Kevin Connell
Mohamedjafri Hajamohaideen
Oliver Heid
Paul Hodgson
Rob Edgecock
Robert Apsimon
Robert Barrie Appleby
Robert Cywinski
Roger Barlow
Roger Jones
Roger Webb
Ronan McGrath
Roxana Rata
Samantha Rowe
Steve Tear
Sue Kilcoyne
Susan Smith
Tanjilul Amin
Tim Noakes
Tracy Turner
Ursula Thevarajah