Hadron Nuclear Physics 2015
Wednesday 8 July 2015 (08:00)
Friday 1 January 2016 (18:00)
Monday 6 July 2015
Tuesday 7 July 2015
Wednesday 8 July 2015
Chair: Manyum, Prapan
Chair: Manyum, Prapan
10:00 - 12:00
Room: Andaman Grande
The transversity of the pion and the nucleon
The transversity of the pion and the nucleon
10:00 - 10:30
Structure of peaks in the initial single chiral particle emission mechanism
Structure of peaks in the initial single chiral particle emission mechanism
10:30 - 11:00
The problems in nucleon structure study
The problems in nucleon structure study
11:00 - 11:30
Charmed baryons and their interactions
Charmed baryons and their interactions
11:30 - 12:00
12:00 - 13:20
Room: Mangosteen's Restaurant
Overview of Physics Results from the CMS Experiment
Overview of Physics Results from the CMS Experiment
13:20 - 13:50
Chair: Chareanphakdee, Anek
Chair: Chareanphakdee, Anek
13:20 - 15:20
Room: Andaman Grande
Recent results from BESIII
Recent results from BESIII
13:50 - 14:20
Large $N_c$ QCD and the chiral extrapolation of baryon masses
Large $N_c$ QCD and the chiral extrapolation of baryon masses
14:20 - 14:50
Theoretical Interpretation of J-PARC E27 Data with a $\Lambda_c$ (1405) $−𝑝$ Model
Theoretical Interpretation of J-PARC E27 Data with a $\Lambda_c$ (1405) $−𝑝$ Model
14:50 - 15:20
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
15:20 - 15:40
Hadron Structure in the Covariant Confined Quark Model
Hadron Structure in the Covariant Confined Quark Model
15:40 - 16:10
Chair: Yan, Yupeng
Chair: Yan, Yupeng
15:40 - 17:10
Room: Andaman Grande
What can we learn about Hadron Spectroscopy with Antiproton Annihilation?
What can we learn about Hadron Spectroscopy with Antiproton Annihilation?
16:10 - 16:40
Further study of the NΩ dibaryon within constituent quark models
Further study of the NΩ dibaryon within constituent quark models
16:40 - 17:10
17:10 - 17:30
Production of Charged Particles and $K^- p$ ($K^+ p$) Bound States in $pp$ Collisions at Energy 900 GeV
Production of Charged Particles and $K^- p$ ($K^+ p$) Bound States in $pp$ Collisions at Energy 900 GeV
17:30 - 17:45
Chair: Sreethawong, Warintorn
Chair: Sreethawong, Warintorn
17:30 - 18:30
Predictions of Kaon and Proton Productions in $pp$ Collisions at 7 TeV
Predictions of Kaon and Proton Productions in $pp$ Collisions at 7 TeV
17:45 - 18:00
Study of Elliptic Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions
Study of Elliptic Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions
18:00 - 18:15
Simulation of hypertriton productions in Pb-Pb collisions at high energy using PACIAE model
Simulation of hypertriton productions in Pb-Pb collisions at high energy using PACIAE model
18:15 - 18:30
Thursday 9 July 2015
Net-baryon and net-proton kurtosis from chiral fluid dynamics
Net-baryon and net-proton kurtosis from chiral fluid dynamics
08:30 - 09:00
Chair: Yang, Yong-Xu
Chair: Yang, Yong-Xu
08:30 - 10:00
Room: Andaman Grande
Theoretical study of the nuclear structure by the parity-violating electron scattering
Theoretical study of the nuclear structure by the parity-violating electron scattering
09:00 - 09:30
Xi-Nucleus interaction from the first evidence of Xi$^{-14}$ N system
Xi-Nucleus interaction from the first evidence of Xi$^{-14}$ N system
09:30 - 10:00
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:20
Nucleons and Nucleonic Systems
Nucleons and Nucleonic Systems
10:20 - 10:50
Chair: Chen, Chia-Chu
Chair: Chen, Chia-Chu
10:20 - 11:50
Room: Andaman Grande
Systematic study of 𝛼 decay properties for long-lived nuclei
Systematic study of 𝛼 decay properties for long-lived nuclei
10:50 - 11:20
Azimuthal Emission of K$^+$ in NI + NI Collisions at Energy 1.91 A GeV
Azimuthal Emission of K$^+$ in NI + NI Collisions at Energy 1.91 A GeV
11:20 - 11:50
11:50 - 13:10
Chair: Maensiri, Santi
Chair: Maensiri, Santi
13:10 - 15:10
Room: Andaman Grande
The quark model study of the dibaryon d$^∗$
The quark model study of the dibaryon d$^∗$
13:10 - 13:40
Strangeness configurations of 𝜙 meson production in $𝑝\bar 𝑝$ annihilation
Strangeness configurations of 𝜙 meson production in $𝑝\bar 𝑝$ annihilation
13:40 - 14:10
Analysis of heavy hyperhydrogen $_Λ ^6 H$
Analysis of heavy hyperhydrogen $_Λ ^6 H$
14:10 - 14:40
Two topics on Charmonium-like states
Two topics on Charmonium-like states
14:40 - 15:10
Coffee break
Coffee break
15:10 - 15:30
Parity violation of nucleon-nucleon potential in the 1/$N_c$ expansion
Parity violation of nucleon-nucleon potential in the 1/$N_c$ expansion
15:30 - 16:00
Chair: Yimnirun, Rattikorn
Chair: Yimnirun, Rattikorn
15:30 - 17:30
Room: Andaman Grande
NNLO QCD corrections to quarkonium production and decays: Does NRQCD work well for charmonium?
NNLO QCD corrections to quarkonium production and decays: Does NRQCD work well for charmonium?
16:00 - 16:30
Weak 𝐾→𝜋 generalized from factors and transverse quark-spin density from the instanton vacuum
Weak 𝐾→𝜋 generalized from factors and transverse quark-spin density from the instanton vacuum
16:30 - 17:00
Dynamical Formation Of Center Domains in Quark-Gluon Plasma
Dynamical Formation Of Center Domains in Quark-Gluon Plasma
17:00 - 17:30
Friday 10 July 2015
Social Trip
Social Trip
08:00 - 15:30
Visit Krabi night market
Visit Krabi night market
15:30 - 19:00
Saturday 11 July 2015
Four-quark states and QCD sum rules
Four-quark states and QCD sum rules
08:30 - 09:00
Chair: Kobdaj, Chinorat
Chair: Kobdaj, Chinorat
08:30 - 10:00
Room: Andaman Grande
Ξ(1690) as a molecular state $𝐾\bar Sigma$
Ξ(1690) as a molecular state $𝐾\bar Sigma$
09:00 - 09:30
Baryonic spectroscopy at BESIII
Baryonic spectroscopy at BESIII
09:30 - 10:00
Coffee break
Coffee break
10:00 - 10:20
Chair: Nualchimplee, Chakrit
Chair: Nualchimplee, Chakrit
10:20 - 11:50
Room: Andaman Grande
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma Ray Observatory at Mexico
The High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Gamma Ray Observatory at Mexico
10:20 - 10:50
Heavy exotic baryon resonance Λ$_𝐶$ (2940)$^+$ in a molecule scenario
Heavy exotic baryon resonance Λ$_𝐶$ (2940)$^+$ in a molecule scenario
10:50 - 11:20
Comparison of sea-quark contributions to electromagnetic and axial form factors
Comparison of sea-quark contributions to electromagnetic and axial form factors
11:20 - 11:50
11:50 - 13:10
Room: Mangosteen's Restaurant
Chair: Khosonthongkee, Khanchai
Chair: Khosonthongkee, Khanchai
13:10 - 14:40
Room: Andaman Grande
The Cosmological Evolution at the Deconfinement Transition
The Cosmological Evolution at the Deconfinement Transition
13:10 - 13:40
Automated scanning systems to search for double strangeness nuclei in nuclear emulsion
Automated scanning systems to search for double strangeness nuclei in nuclear emulsion
13:40 - 14:10
The properties of sea quark in baryons
The properties of sea quark in baryons
14:10 - 14:40
Coffee break
Coffee break
14:40 - 15:00
Estimation of the Mass of ground state pentaquarks
Estimation of the Mass of ground state pentaquarks
15:00 - 15:30
Chair: Limphirat, Ayut
Chair: Limphirat, Ayut
15:00 - 16:30
Room: Andaman Grande
The specific charged hadron multiplicity in $e^− p + p$ and $e^− + D$ semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering in the PYTHIA and PACIAE models
The specific charged hadron multiplicity in $e^− p + p$ and $e^− + D$ semi-inclusive deep-inelastic scattering in the PYTHIA and PACIAE models
15:30 - 16:00
Some insights into the charmonium-like $XYZ$ states
Some insights into the charmonium-like $XYZ$ states
16:00 - 16:30
Sunday 12 July 2015
Monday 13 July 2015
Tuesday 14 July 2015
Wednesday 15 July 2015
Thursday 16 July 2015
Friday 17 July 2015
Saturday 18 July 2015
Sunday 19 July 2015
Monday 20 July 2015
Tuesday 21 July 2015
Wednesday 22 July 2015
Thursday 23 July 2015
Friday 24 July 2015
Saturday 25 July 2015
Sunday 26 July 2015
Monday 27 July 2015
Tuesday 28 July 2015
Wednesday 29 July 2015
Thursday 30 July 2015
Friday 31 July 2015
Saturday 1 August 2015
Sunday 2 August 2015
Monday 3 August 2015
Tuesday 4 August 2015
Wednesday 5 August 2015
Thursday 6 August 2015
Friday 7 August 2015
Saturday 8 August 2015
Sunday 9 August 2015
Monday 10 August 2015
Tuesday 11 August 2015
Wednesday 12 August 2015
Thursday 13 August 2015
Friday 14 August 2015
Saturday 15 August 2015
Sunday 16 August 2015
Monday 17 August 2015
Tuesday 18 August 2015
Wednesday 19 August 2015
Thursday 20 August 2015
Friday 21 August 2015
Saturday 22 August 2015
Sunday 23 August 2015
Monday 24 August 2015
Tuesday 25 August 2015
Wednesday 26 August 2015
Thursday 27 August 2015
Friday 28 August 2015
Saturday 29 August 2015
Sunday 30 August 2015
Monday 31 August 2015
Tuesday 1 September 2015
Wednesday 2 September 2015
Thursday 3 September 2015
Friday 4 September 2015
Saturday 5 September 2015
Sunday 6 September 2015
Monday 7 September 2015
Tuesday 8 September 2015
Wednesday 9 September 2015
Thursday 10 September 2015
Friday 11 September 2015
Saturday 12 September 2015
Sunday 13 September 2015
Monday 14 September 2015
Tuesday 15 September 2015
Wednesday 16 September 2015
Thursday 17 September 2015
Friday 18 September 2015
Saturday 19 September 2015
Sunday 20 September 2015
Monday 21 September 2015
Tuesday 22 September 2015
Wednesday 23 September 2015
Thursday 24 September 2015
Friday 25 September 2015
Saturday 26 September 2015
Sunday 27 September 2015
Monday 28 September 2015
Tuesday 29 September 2015
Wednesday 30 September 2015
Thursday 1 October 2015
Friday 2 October 2015
Saturday 3 October 2015
Sunday 4 October 2015
Monday 5 October 2015
Tuesday 6 October 2015
Wednesday 7 October 2015
Thursday 8 October 2015
Friday 9 October 2015
Saturday 10 October 2015
Sunday 11 October 2015
Monday 12 October 2015
Tuesday 13 October 2015
Wednesday 14 October 2015
Thursday 15 October 2015
Friday 16 October 2015
Saturday 17 October 2015
Sunday 18 October 2015
Monday 19 October 2015
Tuesday 20 October 2015
Wednesday 21 October 2015
Thursday 22 October 2015
Friday 23 October 2015
Saturday 24 October 2015
Sunday 25 October 2015
Monday 26 October 2015
Tuesday 27 October 2015
Wednesday 28 October 2015
Thursday 29 October 2015
Friday 30 October 2015
Saturday 31 October 2015
Sunday 1 November 2015
Monday 2 November 2015
Tuesday 3 November 2015
Wednesday 4 November 2015
Thursday 5 November 2015
Friday 6 November 2015
Saturday 7 November 2015
Sunday 8 November 2015
Monday 9 November 2015
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Wednesday 11 November 2015
Thursday 12 November 2015
Friday 13 November 2015
Saturday 14 November 2015
Sunday 15 November 2015
Monday 16 November 2015
Tuesday 17 November 2015
Wednesday 18 November 2015
Thursday 19 November 2015
Friday 20 November 2015
Saturday 21 November 2015
Sunday 22 November 2015
Monday 23 November 2015
Tuesday 24 November 2015
Wednesday 25 November 2015
Thursday 26 November 2015
Friday 27 November 2015
Saturday 28 November 2015
Sunday 29 November 2015
Monday 30 November 2015
Tuesday 1 December 2015
Wednesday 2 December 2015
Thursday 3 December 2015
Friday 4 December 2015
Saturday 5 December 2015
Sunday 6 December 2015
Monday 7 December 2015
Tuesday 8 December 2015
Wednesday 9 December 2015
Thursday 10 December 2015
Friday 11 December 2015
Saturday 12 December 2015
Sunday 13 December 2015
Monday 14 December 2015
Tuesday 15 December 2015
Wednesday 16 December 2015
Thursday 17 December 2015
Friday 18 December 2015
Saturday 19 December 2015
Sunday 20 December 2015
Monday 21 December 2015
Tuesday 22 December 2015
Wednesday 23 December 2015
Thursday 24 December 2015
Friday 25 December 2015
Saturday 26 December 2015
Sunday 27 December 2015
Monday 28 December 2015
Tuesday 29 December 2015
Wednesday 30 December 2015
Thursday 31 December 2015
Friday 1 January 2016