Version 3: The preprint number has been removed from the header. Instead, the sentence "This report has the preprint number TUM-EFT 78/16." was added to the very end of the Acknowledgements section. Preprint number Version 2: According to the demands from the partial review, the second version of the proceeding paper contains following changes: 1) References were switched to bibtex. The .bib file is part of the Latex source 2) Section number for the acknowledgements is removed. 3) The sentence "An example for the conversion from FeynArts to FeynCalc will be described in Sec. 3." was added to the end of the first paragraph in the section 2. 4) The sentence before Figure 1 was expanded to contain "where for convenience the FeynArts expression for the up-type quark mass MQU[Index[Generation, 3]] was replaced by m." Apart from that, the university preprint number (TUM-EFT 78/16) which was missing in the first verion is now added.