Gaudi Developers Meeting - 2015-06-10 ===================================== ATLAS ----- Charles - all we have done so far is the forward scheduler with data dependencies. Not yet tried graph scheduler. Why use MP at all? Charles - calo testbed was limited with some serial algorithms, so muliti-process allowed us to use a different strategy for more concurrency, but to benfit from CoW for memory savings. Shares more memory than running multiple jobs in parallel. Was this forced by technical/software limitation? Charles - memory consumption is a primary driver, so this was a useful thing to do. Balance memory usage against performance. Ilya - with Marco have started to work on efficient scheduling of i/o bound problems. Pere - I/O is mainly a ROOT issue. Are working on this in ROOT dev. Benedikt - Need to agree on the future of Gaudi. Can we sync on the handle useage and not do things twice? ACTION: Graeme to forward details of ATLAS frameworks workshop to wider lists. FCC --- Marco - Would extended features become too bloated? Some of these decisions need to be experiment specific? Propose a generic base, but can be specialised...? Note too many particle property services already! Ben - small core and modules on top? Paolo - "contrib" addons. (Importantly we have a component model.) FCC was able to use Gauss with very few changes - good generic example. Should have a turnkey solution for building and installing Gaudi. Marco - would be nice to have it buildable on system libraries. Much easier for users. Should consider deployment as well. LHCb ---- ATLAS happy to have disruptive changes in long term as long as Run2 stability is assured. Paolo - licenses are really difficult and time consuming... can prevent people from contributing. Paolo - would like to have much more agile development with Gaudi. Work more continuously. Marco - git(lab) offers an easier way to review and merge contributions. Paolo - can we be more adventurous with patches in the future? i.e., not too formal. Seb - this can be lightweight. Paolo - lack manpower for tests. Benedikt - we need to invest in proper setup so everyone can run the tests. Andrea - what is the test status in Gaudi? Marco - I try to write tests for every bug report. Problems come from the fact that Gaudi isn't easily testable. Rare bugs can be hard to test - but code can be fixed. Static checkers would help a lot. Andrea - effort to write tests is not wasted. Pere: SFT would like to contribute some infrastructure support (build and test suites, etc.). ACTION: Pere and Benedikt to look at infrastructure support possibilities from SFT. Benedikt: Clean up interfaces. Proposed: Adopt a bi-weekly meeting schedule. Proposed: Marco, Benedikt and Charles to take a 'interim leadership' role and organise the future meetings and topics. * Both accepted by the meeting. Identified Future Meeting Topics: - Concurrent I/O - Data Handles - Use of modern C++ - ATLAS Future Frameworks Report