Minutes of WG1+ggF meeting, 19 Jun 2015, 12am ============================================= * Participants: Massimiliano Grazzini, Robert Harlander, Pasquale Musella in part 1 only: Stefano Forte, Dag Gilbert, Chris Hays, Achilleas Lazopoulos Part 1: WG1+ggF --------------- * ggF twiki page should be updated. The links https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/LHCHXSWG and https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LHCPhysics/LHCHXSWG1 still point(ed) to the old ggF subgroup. * Dag reports on ongoing benchmarking for pT-distribution and jet-xsecs. Several groups have been asked to deliver results for the benchmarks. It is decided that benchmark parameters will be made public on the ggF twiki page. * Stefano briefly reports on the ggF uncertainty meeting at Les Houches from June 8. Most important sources of uncertainty are due to PDF and alphas. A new PDF4LHC recommendation will be coming up soon. MG remarks that alphas will be a subject of the overall SM input parameter definition, which is currently being worked on. * Prioretized list of topics for YR4 from ggF is available (email from Stefano of June 9, resent today). Part 2: WG1 ----------- * Agenda for July meeting finalized. Pasquale will put it on indico and ask for feedback from the subgroups. There is still some time left on Friday; it could be used as a buffer. * Fulvio Piccinini sent an email about NLOPS result for H->4l to SC+WG1. Will forward it to BR subgroup for consideration (MG). * Next meeting: WG1+VH+VBF next week (June 26), chaired by Bruce: invitation + organization required.