2HDM benchmark discussion
Tuesday 23 June 2015 -
Monday 22 June 2015
Tuesday 23 June 2015
2HDM (Type I, II), Electroweak phase transition preferred region, A-> HZ, A->Hpm Wmp
jose Miguel No
2HDM (Type I, II), Electroweak phase transition preferred region, A-> HZ, A->Hpm Wmp
jose Miguel No
14:00 - 14:15
Room: 42/R-016
2HDM, various scenario
Oscar Stal
Howard Haber
University of California,Santa Cruz (US)
2HDM, various scenario
Oscar Stal
Howard Haber
University of California,Santa Cruz (US)
14:15 - 14:30
Room: 42/R-016
Type II 2HDM, various benchmark points that provide exotic decay (heavy Higgs decays to two light Higgses, or one light Higgs and one gauge boson)
Shufang Su
University of Arizona
Type II 2HDM, various benchmark points that provide exotic decay (heavy Higgs decays to two light Higgses, or one light Higgs and one gauge boson)
Shufang Su
University of Arizona
14:30 - 14:45
Room: 42/R-016
SM-like h -> ZA
Daniele Barducci
Unite Reseaux du CNRS (FR)
SM-like h -> ZA
Daniele Barducci
Unite Reseaux du CNRS (FR)
14:45 - 15:00
Room: 42/R-016
Inert Doublet Model, various benchmark points
Tania Natalie Robens
Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE)
Inert Doublet Model, various benchmark points
Tania Natalie Robens
Technische Universitaet Dresden (DE)
15:00 - 15:15
Room: 42/R-016
2hDM, Fermiophobic
David Lopez-Val
David Lopez-Val
2hDM, Fermiophobic
David Lopez-Val
David Lopez-Val
15:15 - 15:30
Room: 42/R-016