Below the comments from the reviewing team: 1. Figure 1, the caption says “EPOS3”. Do pA and AA spectra already include the shadowing effect? So what do you call EPOS3 vs. EPOSHQ then? 2. p2, last sentence above section 3, “via coalescence or fragmentation”. A bit more elaboration how they are implemented. 3. p3, first line below fig 4 an 5, this sentence is about pPb collisions, so what bulk medium is used in pPb? 4. p4, fig. 6, the two calculations over predict the suppression at high pT, it is related to the choice of K? Or what could be missing? Any v2 calculation? And here is my answers to them: 1. Yes, pA and AA spectra include the shadowing effect initially in EPOS3. EPOS3 is the pure EPOS model with the heavy quarks included, but without the heavy-quark interactions with plasma partons. EPOSHQ is the model that couple EPOS3 (hydro, initiallization of HQs) with the MC@sHQ model that defines the interactions between the HQs and the light sector. 2. The explanation is added to the text. 3. We used the bulk medium which is created from EPOS3 initial conditions. The same that was used, for example, for the comparison of EPOS3 results to the experimental data there: 4. We have a hypothesis that it's due to the different space positions of HQ compare to our previous results (Fig.2), but we do not have a clean answer yet. As well as for v2, the work is still in progress. Best regards, Vitalii Ozvenchuk