Dear Referee Thanks for the review. I attached the updated version in this email. The following are my response: Please see the comments below from the reviewing team: "p1, l4, “different quarkonium binding energies” -> “different binding energies for different quarkonia”. Done p1, l6, add “in heavy ion collisions” before “at RHIC and LHC”. Done p2, l1-4, for figure 1 left plot, Would it be better to show the pT dependence? as the discussion seem to be focused on pT instead of centrality. The left panel shows the high pT results, i.e. pT > 6.5 GeV/c. The low pT results are from ALICE experiments and is cited in [9], i.e. RAA vs. Npart. Direct comparison of RAA vs. Npart in two different pT region provide more information on the possible coalescence effect which depend on Npart. The discussion is to address the difference between the two. Due to the page limit, ALICE low pT result is not included. p2, l8-9, “The two sets of data points have not only different pT, but also different rapidity. In the lower pT region, the coalescence is more significant, but it is also at a higher rapidity where the coalescence contribution should be less. How to reconcile these?” This is a quantitative question and need a model calculation to address. Reference [11] is the only such calculation I'm aware of for this quantitative comparison. I believe the rapidity dependent of coalescence is taken into account. p2, l7-8 from bottom, “different roles the regeneration contribution plays in Upsilons and J/psi ….”. the argument is vague. can you elaborate? The regeneration production for upsilon is much less important than for J/psi due to the large mass. Reference [11] propose the psi(2s)/Jpsi enhancement is due to sequential regeneration since the binding energy of Psi is much smaller than Jpsi leading to regeneration contribution to psi(2s) at a later stage. For Upsilon(nS), the binding energy difference is much smaller compared to J/psi and psi(2s). In addition, the regeneration contribution is also much smaller. Therefore, for Upsilon (nS), the smaller binding energy leads to larger suppression, while for J/psi, psi, one has to taking into account the regeneration process. p3, Fig.2, right plot, in the legend for pPb data, the color of the marker should be blue?. And it is labeled “pT>4GeV/c”. So are the ratios corrected for the acceptance or not? The pPb result is labelled as closed circles. The acceptance is largely cancelled though the difference is indeed taking into account. The pT > 4 GeV/c is for single muons as labelled as $p_T^{\mu}$ > 4 GeV/c. p4, Fig. 4, please add legends for markers and add a label for collision energy. Done. p5, l4-5 from bottom, “The b-jet reconstructed in |eta|<2.0 in Pb-Pb collisions is more suppressed in central collisions” More suppressed compared to what? more peripheral collisions or light flavor jet? added "than in peripheral collisions". p6, second last paragraph, “non-promptJ/psi”, add a space in front of “J/psi”. Done p6, last paragraph, “v_N”->”v_n”. Done