21–23 Jun 2017
University of Geneva
Europe/Zurich timezone

OA outside session : Is open access helping or hindering the international development agenda? Reflections from a consortium of developing country NGOs

22 Jun 2017, 14:30
Uni Mail MR380

Uni Mail MR380


Dr Nilam Ashra-McGrath


As an international health consortium, COMDIS-HSD works with a combination of researchers in developing country NGOs, researchers at the University of Leeds, media outlets, independent researchers and consultants. This pool of expertise has highlighted issues about the open access privileges afforded to academic institutions versus the access that is available for those based outside of academia. Despite efforts by Research4Life to enable developing country actors to access research findings, many sections of society remain on the outside of the access paywall due to their non-academic status and/or their lack of funding.
In this presentation, I share some challenges faced by our consortium in ensuring our research findings are accessible to all sections of society within the countries in which we work. It draws on discussions with journalists in Nepal to highlight the need for citizens to access and interpret the research that is primarily for and about them.

Presentation materials