Muge Karagoz Unel
(University of Oxford)
The silicon system of the ATLAS Inner Detector consists of about 6000 modules in its
Semiconductor Tracker and Pixel Detector. Therefore, the offline global fit alignment
algorithm has to deal with solving a problem of up to 36000 degrees of freedom.32-bit
single-CPU platforms were foreseen to be unable to handle such large-size operations
needed by the algorithm. The proposed solution is to utilize a Beowulfcluster with a
64-bit architecture. We have performed the initial studies on performance of such a
system using SCARF RAL cluster, compared with earlier predictions, obtained the first
promising results on parallel computing for the ATLAS tracker alignment. After a
brief introduction with the motivation, we will describe the hardware and software
used and present the results of the studies, using also examples from the ATLAS
simulated data.
Primary author
Muge Karagoz Unel
(University of Oxford)
Adlene Hicheur
(Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
Karim Bernardet
Pawel Bruckman de Renstrom
(University of Oxford)