Feb 13 – 17, 2006
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Europe/Zurich timezone

LcgCAF - The CDF portal to the gLite Middleware

Feb 13, 2006, 11:00 AM
7h 10m
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Tata Institute of Fundamental Research

Homi Bhabha Road Mumbai 400005 India
poster Grid middleware and e-Infrastructure operation Poster


Dr Armando Fella (INFN, Pisa)


The increasing instantaneous luminosity of the Tevatron collider will soon cause the computing requirements for data analysis and MC production to grow larger than the dedicated CPU resources that will be available. In order to meet future demands, CDF is investing in shared, Grid, resources. A significant fraction of opportunistic Grid resources will be available to CDF before LHC era starts and CDF could greatly benefit from using them. CDF is therefore reorganizing its computing model to be integrated with the new Grid model. LcgCAF builds upon the gLite Middleware in order to establish a standard CDF environment transparent to the end-users. LcgCAF is a suite of software entities that handle authentication/security, job submission and monitoring and data handling tasks. CDF authentication and security are entirely based on the Kerberos 5 system, so we needed to develop a kerberos certificate renewing service based on GSI certificates, to guarantee job output transfer to CDF disk servers. An enqueuing and status monitoring functionality was introduced to make the CAF submission latencies independent of the gLite Work Load Management System ones. The CDF batch monitoring is presently based on information from the GridIce monitoring and the LCG Logging and Bookkeeping systems. Interactive monitoring is based on the Clarens Web Services Framework. The beta version of LcgCAF is already deployed and is able to run CDF jobs on most INFN-Grid sites.


LcgCAF project builds upon the GRID gLite Middleware in order to establish a standard
CDF environment transparent to the end-users. LcgCAF is a suite of
software entities that handle authentication/security, job submission and
monitoring and data handling tasks.

Primary author

Dr Armando Fella (INFN, Pisa)


Dr Daniel Jeans (INFN, CNAF) Dr Donatella Lucchesi (INFN, Padova) Dr Elliot Lipeles (University of California, San Diego) Dr Francesco Delli Paoli (INFN, Padova) Prof. Frank Wuerthwein (University of California, San Diego) Dr Igor Sfiligoi (INFN, Frascati) Dr Mark Neubauer (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Shih-Chieh Hsu (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Dr Stefano Belforte (INFN, Trieste) Dr Subir Sarkar (INFN, Bologna)

Presentation materials