Ben Waugh
(University College London)
A common problem in particle physics is the requirement to reproduce comparisons
between data and theory when the theory is a (general purpose) Monte Carlo simulation
and the data are measurements of final state observables in high energy collisions.
The complexity of the experiments, the obervables and the models all contribute to
making this a highly non-trivial task.
We describe an existing library of Fortran routines, HZTool, which enables, for each
measurement of interest, a comparable prediction to be produced from any given Monte
Carlo generator. The HZTool library is being maintained by CEDAR, with subroutines
for various measurements contributed by a number of authors within and outside the
CEDAR collaboration.
We also describe the outline design and current status of a replacement for HZTool,
to be called Rivet (Robust Independent Validation of Experiment and Theory). This
will use an object-oriented design, implemented in C++, together with standard
interfaces (such as HepMC and AIDA) to make the new framework more flexible and
extensible than the Fortran HZTool.
Primary authors
Andy Buckley
(Durham University)
Ben Waugh
(University College London)
Emily Nurse
(University College London)
Hannes Jung
Jonathan Butterworth
(University College London)
Leif Lonnblad
(Lund University)