Philippe Galvez
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
During this session we will describe and demonstrate the MonALISA (MONitoring Agents
using A Large Integrated Services Architecture) and the new enhanced VRVS (Virtual
Room Videoconferencing System) systems, and their integration to provide a next
generation of collaboration system called EVO. The melding of these two systems
creates a distributed intelligent system that provides an efficient collaborative
service to a very large dispersed community of users. This real-time system operates
over an ensemble of national and international networks (in more than 100 countries).
The new features include IM, encryption, automatic troubleshooting detection among
VRVS is global in scope: it covers the full range of existing and emerging protocols
and the full range of client devices for collaboration, from desktops to
installations in large auditoria. VRVS that have interconnected users since 1997 and
that hold around 3000 hours of meeting per month provides now a mobile collaboration
access (for Pocket PC) to its users. The new system EVO, based on VRVS will be
demonstrated during the session.
The specialized mobile agents in the MonALISA framework optimize data replication
strategies for data processing in GRID systems as well as to help and improve the
operation of the VRVS. The agents are deployed to all the active MonALISA services
and perform supervision tasks for distributed applications.
Thus, the auto-adaptive system can detect and face all network problems encountered
(congestion, line cut, etc…) to keep unlimited number of the user inter-connected.
Primary author
Philippe Galvez
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))
Harvey Newman
(California Institute of Technology (CALTECH))