Applications area meeting
Wednesday 20 November 2002 -
Monday 18 November 2002
Tuesday 19 November 2002
Wednesday 20 November 2002
MySQL service plans and needs in ATLAS
Vaniachine, A.
MySQL service plans and needs in ATLAS
Vaniachine, A.
16:30 - 16:50
Room: 40-S2-D01
MySQL services and CERN
Shiers, J.
MySQL services and CERN
Shiers, J.
16:35 - 17:00
Room: 40-S2-D01
Discussion with Jamie Shiers et al
POOL V0.2 internal release overview
Duellmann, D.
POOL V0.2 internal release overview
Duellmann, D.
16:40 - 16:50
Room: 40-S2-D01
The LCG Dictionary and POOL
Duellmann, D.
The LCG Dictionary and POOL
Duellmann, D.
16:45 - 17:20
Room: 40-S2-D01
Dirk will prepare a few slides to guide a discussion on the LCG dictionary and its relationship to POOL