Question by A. Morsch: How you use the TGeant3 Geometry? Answ: We need the GEANT3 geometry during the geometrical propagation of the extracted TPC tracks in order to know if, at a given step, the particle reach the TOF detector and, if yes, the identifier of current volume (e.g. if it is a TOF sensitive volume or not et cetera). This is the reason why the TOF reconstruction needs to create an instance of the ALICE geometry (gAlice->Init() ). Considering also that geometry has to be known only for TOF detector, usually, in the Config.C, only the frame and the TOF detector are switched on. Question by Ivana Hrivnacova: Concerning this point, what are the GEANT functions are you using? Answ: The GEANT function which we are using are: Gmedia Gcvolu gcvolu->names[i] gcvolu->glx[2] Ivana:It would be usefull to put this method on a more basic level (e.g. in AliMC). Answ: Yes, of course, I will send to You the code with some comment explaining exactly our needs. Question by D. Di Bari: Concerning the probabilistic approach to particle identification, the contour cuts you are using for PID will be replaced by the amplitude method? Answ: Yes, of course, it is only the present status of the code. We will move to probabilistic phylosophi for PID asap. Question by A. Dainese: Fabrizio, this slide is sayng that you can use different contour cuts for PID. Answ: Yes, in fact, I said that the AliTOFPID class has only (as data member) the pointer to external file containing cuts. A. Dainese: could you provide the std contour cuts in CVS? Answ: Yes, of course, we will commit asap the std contour cuts used for Pb-Pb and pp PID. A. Dainese: But in any case, the AliTOFPID class uses the output of the reconstruction. Answ: Yes Andrea, we can provide to You the reconstructed data. In any case the code for the TOF reconstruction will be committed in few days. Remark by K.Safarik: Why You do not use Kalman tracking for the matching, the method for the Kalman propagation till external detectors is already available? Answ: This is a good new. If You provide this method, we can move to Kalman quickly. Please, can we meet? Remark by K.Safarik: Concerning the event time zero determination, there is not longer need to use a combinatorial algorithm (which is bad), you can use the time zero calculated from all identified pions -> In this way, due to the high statistics, you can get in principle a resolution (time resolution/sqrt(N_pions)) Answ: Yes, but I'd like to verify this formula. The current combinatorial algorithm do not use PID (because it can be used also for PID). Please remember that if You take all identified pions, You get also identified pions -but matched with a wrong time, due to noise- and this can to make worse Your resolution for the event time zero determination. In any case I will try and I will let You know. Question by P. Hristov: Could You provide a set of test macros for TOF? Answ: Yes Peter, I promise ;)