Present: Bob Jones, Gabriel Zaquine, Joel Closier, JJ Blaising, Zdenek Sekera, Dave Foster, Marcus Hardt, Olof Barring, Charles Loomis, Steve Fisher, Andrea Formica, Markus Schulz Phone: Francesco Prelz, Emanuele Leonardi, Laura Perini, Mirco Mazzucato, Vincent Breton, Les Robertson, Peter Clarke, Massimo Sgaravatto, Stephen Burke, Fabrizio Gagliardi. Charles presented his slides and went through the status and pending issues for Globus and EDG mware. WP1: Francesco added that the new RPMS were delivered last Friday night and can now be picked-up by the ITeam. WP2: remaining minor configuration details need to be solved and more testing performed by the application groups. WP3: two patches being tested. Need more testing on real MDS hierarchy. WP4: minor bugs with LCFG but not considered important enough to stop deployment. Olof added that some changes have been made to the information providers. WP5: base-level access working, more testing need at the 3 sites. This is considered to be a short-term solution (to be changed for release EDG 2.0) WP7: no problems foreseen. He also mentioned the software requests made by the application groups. It was clarified that the testing of this sw is not the responsibility of the WP6 and ITeam: bbftp (JJ Blaising), Alien (Alice), GENIUS (INFN). Charles also showed (slide 10) a list of changes made in the CVS head which are not yet included in beta3. A few outstanding ones will probably not be included in beta 4 (to be made today or tomorrow). He outlined a suggested schedule for the steps involved in getting the EDG 1.2 release finalized and deployed. For autobuild problems, it was agreed that they should be resolved by the 21st June. Eli & Yannick should investigate outstanding WP1 autobuild issues. New sw that should be included with EDG 1.3 could then be ready for June 28th. The WP mgrs are asked to provide the list of the new sw they expect to have ready for June 28th by this Wednesday’s weekly meeting. There was a general discussion about what to do for the dates for release 1.3 and release 1.4 since the dates for release 1.4 look very tight. Bob added that he considered the most important point for release 1.4 was the GLUE schema changes. Peter stated that he believed the new schema is not yet complete and questioned the manner in which it would be introduced (should be done in parallel). The link with the LCG testbed was also discussed. It was agreed that once EDG 1.2 is finalized, it can be moved to the production and the development testbed can be used for the autobuild, EDG 1.3 & 1.4. If the application’s don’t have urgent extra functionality needed, we can leave the production testbed with EDG 1.2 until the end of the summer. Vincent Breton presented his slides for the WP10 application testing activities on both the production and development testbeds. Stated that he found the facilities associated with the replication on the production testbed (DG 1.1.4) were insufficient. He thought the facilities provided by GDMP 3.0 were very useful but they were unable to test it on the development testbed due to configuration problems. He also liked the new replica manager but again had problems during testing. He also raised the issues concerning the gatekeeper and access rights for files. File access rights are very important for WP10. JJ Blaising summarized the slides that were presented for WP8 at Friday’s meeting (see attached notes from the meeting). For job management, they have done sufficient testing to be able define a level of acceptance (failure rate ~4% on a sample of about 3000 jobs). For data management, replica manager, GDMP, were not able to perform all the necessary tests to define a suitable acceptance criteria. For access to MSS, similar testing is necessary to define an acceptance criteria. Andrea presented (slides) the status of he work performed by the testing group on release 1.2. For security checks (slide 5) he clarified the tests performed: trying to access facilities without being in the gridmap file, invalid certificate etc. Testing group members include: - Yannick Legre (Clermont Ferrant) - Eric Fede (Marseille) - Laurent Boblein, Remy Tordeux - Saclay 3 people - Barcelona: 2 people Issues found to date by testing group: Configuration problems with SE and non-accurate documentation. LCFG installation is not being tested yet. At the end of the meeting there was a discussion about how the testing group work fits into the sw release procedure. The work described by Andrea seemed to fall into 2 categories: integration tests & installation/deployment tests. The pressure to deploy release 1.2 has meant that many of the integration and testing phases of the sw release procedure as described in the sw release policy document (D12.3) have been compressed. In the future we need to expand these steps clarifying their pre-requisites, outputs, responsibilities and the people involved. A suggestion for the testing group is that their sites (listed by Andrea) be linked together to form a testbed so that overall system tests can be performed. Responsibility for testing the management of VOs appears to be currently unassigned. The experiments can be responsible for the VOs contents but not its functionality. If the sw release procedure becomes more incremental (i.e. do a WP at a time rather than all WPs at once then we can reorganize the sw release plan to make a more detailed schedule but we need to know the dependencies between new sw. We also need to be careful that such a plan would not imply the ITeam be at CERN every week. Plan for how proceed: - deploy EDG 1.2 beta4 on development testbed (today) - testing of GDMP (on development testbed, at least 2 sites), Stephen Burke - testing on MDS hierarchy (can be done on a separate set of PCs – not development testbed, Lawrence, Alessandro Cavalli) . Done in parallel. Status will be reported on Wednesday. - test base-level access to MSS at CERN, RAL, CC-IN2P3 (needs the 3 sites on the development testbed). Owen & others - further testing of WP1 (Ingo, JJ, Francesco) (on development testbed). Can start today. Bob & Charles will work with the ITeam and WP managers to make a more detailed planning. actions: - All mware to verify autobuild works correctly by 21st June, in particular Eli & Yannick to work on WP1 autobuild problems. - All mware WPs to report at weekly WP meeting (Wednesday 19th June) on list of sw for release 1.3 to be ready by June 28th