10 July WP2 - WP6 workshop -------------------------- 1st session - management and organisation ----------------------------------------- Present: Joni, Regina, Peter, Heinz, Glen, Erwin, Gav, Leanne, Owen, Mika, Andy, David F. (LCG) - preliminary meetings with wp2 and wp5 are going OK. 2.00 for half and hour. Both find useful to discuss. Split session is good. organisational issues: Peter: minimise the meetings? joint info flow between wp2/wp5 people needed. can we put one single person for wp2/wp5 to the iteam, ca, intergration meetings? *****not really, after discussion***** ATF: this won't work. Leanne OR Jens cannot represent both wp2/wp5 alone. ITeam: not really. Security: QAG: don't meet that often. Could Diana represent both wp2/wp5? Sometimes QAG produce quick decusions for immediate implementation. Suggestion from Owen that Iteam and QAG need to be closer aligned. Diana leaves start of August. * (rejected) AP - Regina will take over QAG *meetings* for WP2 as well as WP5. * (rejected) Regina will liases with a person in WP2 for compliance. This may be Kurt. Erwin: back to fully joint meeting? maybe we can do it if we're careful how the days agenda is structured. how can we get wp2 and wp5 closer. - wp5 to sign up to wp2 internal lists? Erwin: options a) clear sep between 2 and 5 as before. b) more joint management and technical effort. AP - Common mailing list 2 and 5 as an intersection of interested people. AP - WP2 identify new QAG person who should work with regina - probably Kurt. (ideally only one of them will go to the monthky QAGfest). * current working is good and sufficient. Erwin: try again.. Should we have a joint list of priorities. Maybe we should merge the planning document with WP2 and WP5. AP - John and Peter will make joint planning doucment to reflect the results of this week's discussion. AP - Paul - arrange wp5 to be able to edit the plan in Glasgow CVS. AP - wp5 people on security mailing list if you want. if you want to be on wp2 mailing list then just ask. Techinal issues definition -------------------------- security, asych calls, exists and lsdir, security-multi-vo support, delete. add: - naming model: to separate the files of each VO. Glue schema design issue. owen: longer term requirment? in scope? * Disucss: security Async calls exists performance. lsdir. delete. SE migration cache status and create separate? - no need. maybe a practical reason just now. method names. (match to SRM v1 or v2) multi-vo support. host names on file operations. (is this needed?) - yes. as per spec. - do wp5 need to chhange to the SURL? - Check the spec and see what the SRM actually takes. we shoiuld impl this. VO namespace. - DF: completely separate SE per VO? VOMS. Why do we need SRM copy at all (in context of EDG). - SRM copy is already used.. we should not use it if we mean something different. - should copying of a file ONLY be vias the RM, or can we allow SE to do a copy itself (with its meta-data). Authz. - Maybe have this discussion tomorrow. Akos/Joni/Jens Glue schema refinements. - it's still changing .. Afternoon session - technical ----------------------------- Present: Joni, Glen, Peter, John, Jean-Phillipe, David F, Regina, Akos, Erwin, Gav, Leanne, Owen, Mika, Andy, Heinz SRM interactions. - SE == SRM agreed. **** names - keep old. and then add in SRM methods. **** terminology. - clarify, semantics, usage and deps. **** performance of exists() [ and lsdir() ] - shallow exists() will be easy for wp5 to implement. do we need a deep exists too that goes to the disk itself? yes, sometime. AP - shallow exists will be done by getMetaData which will return SRM FileMetadata. Errors will send soapFaults. AP - longer term one to do deep exists(). performance issues: lsdir - can this be optimised. yes, low priority. add to **** delete: advisoryDelete in SRM sets a flag - it only deletes from cache. SRM v1. does not have a proper delete. AP - implement SRM v2. SrmRm. (ewven though it doesn't ecxists in srm v1). - this is not trivial, particularly from tape. - not a huge amount of effort. easy for catalog. a bit more for MSS but still not too much. - advisoryDelete allows garbage collector to flush this file out of the cache. unPin is similar. ***** Castor SRM Discussion: (Emil and Olof) eacdr002d globus gridfto talks rfio to castor - base on vdt1.1.8 VO mapping - doesn't use pool accounts - just the single atlas001, etc. - VOMS to do. exists problem. gridftp plan: - proxy to VO mapping is done by gridmapfile via UID - the VO maps to specific castor stager for that VO castor srm status: currently not there.. Olof might have code ready in a couple of weeks++. Test on the fermilab SRM (v1.1) ****