GEANE - related issues

Mohammad pointed out that some effort will be needed for re-writing EUSTEP subroutine in a manner close to TGeant3::Gustep() so that users would have more control on GEANE stepping.
Action item 1: Try to figure out the timeline/responsible for re-writing EUSTEP and possibly come-up with more development requirements (Mohammad). Would be good to notify also Andrea Fontana for the next meeting.
Action item 2: Notify M.Maire about the issue so that it can be replaced in the GEANE release. (Rene)


Assemblies generate an additional geometry level in TGeo compared to GEANT4. It is unlikely that this will change soon in GEANT4, so the only way of getting the same behavior is what Ivana proposes: "user can build his volume tree path himself with not putting the assemblies in the tree. (I have somewhere this function, as we used something like this in MUON.)". Anyway, having an assembly volume as current volume during tracking should never happen.

Action item 3: See if Ivana's proposal/function is satisfactory (Ivana/Mohammad). Send me a simple example so I can reproduce the problem of assemblies appearing during tracking (Mohammad).

Disabling default GEANT3 particles and decay modes.

Mohammad claims that these may clash with other settings so he asks for this possibility.

Action item 4: Implement the possibility to configure not having G3 defaults so the user can use DefineParticle()/SetDecayMode() for defining his own. May consider the possibility to re-define decay modes for already registered particles. (Ivana/Andrei)

Cerenkov total reflection.

G4root interface not doing total reflection correctly.

Action item 5: Send me a simple macro to reproduce it (Mohammad). Fix it (Andrei).

Tracking location wrong in g4root.

A particle may end-up outside the setup giving the error message: "No physical volume found at track vertex: (107635,-190901,-638802)"
Action item 6: Fix this (Andrei)

"Proposed step is 0" issue in FLUKA-VMC

Observed in IlcRoot by Vito, reproduced by me, cannot track down the problem: There is no way (unless a lot of luck in spotting some dumb setting) of tracking this down symptomatically without tracing the program - not only the interface, but also FLUKA execution. We do not have FLUKA source code...

Action item 7: Try more ? (who?)