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Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

XML: A new start for the Web (2/4)

by M. Goossens (CERN-IT)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)

500/1-001 - Main Auditorium


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Lecture 1 XML: what it is, how one uses it (SAX, DOM), its relation to other W3C and ISO standards (SGML, HTML, Unicode) Lecture 2 XSL: transforming and styling XML information (documents, databases, web sites) Lecture 3 XML-based specifications: XPointer, XLink, SVG, XSchema, MathML, XHTML. Lecture 4 XML at CERN (detector description, EDMS, Databases, event viewing, document storage)

Note: Please note the unusual place: Council Chamber, bldg 503 on 23 May
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From the same series
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