IT Informatics Tutorial
The Java Series: I/O, Object Serialisation and Persistence
IT Auditorium (CERN)
IT Auditorium
The tutorial will describe the building blocks behind the processes
of getting information into your program and sending it out again
through the use of the stream classes in the standard
package. Streams are a useful way to handle information flowing
in and out of your program in an homogeneous way (to read/write
the file system, memory locations, through network connections,
etc.). They also provide the basis to implement lightweight object
persistence: objects can be easily sent and received through
streams, with which we can store and retrieve objects from files,
from the network, etc.
The tutorial will focus on the main mechanisms behind the usage
of stream, with significative examples of each aspect. It is a must
for those wanting to follow the next tutorial of the Java Series on
Network Programming.
Organiser(s): M.Marquina and R.Ramos /IT-User Support
Organiser(s): M.Marquina and R.Ramos /IT-User Support