SPSC - SPS and PS Experiments Committee
44th SPSC Meeting
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
1. Status report from WA95: P. Zucchelli. (30min)
2. Status report from WA96: L. Camilleri.
(30 min)
3. Search for nmÆ ne oscillation at the CERN PS (SPSC 99-26/P311): P. Loverre. (30 min)
4. ICANOE (Imaging and CAlorimetric Neutrino Oscillation Experiment) - A proposal for a CERN-GS long baseline and atmospheric neutrino oscillation experiment (INFN/AE-99-17, CERN/SPSC 99-25/P314): C. Rubbia, G. Barbarino,
A. Rubbia. (60 min)
5. OPERA (Progress Report) - A long baseline nt appearance experiment in the CNGS beam from CERN to Gran Sasso (CERN/SPSC 99-20/M635,
LNGS-LOI 19/99):
A. Ereditato. (30 min)
Closed Session
at 14.00 hrs and Wednesday 15 September at 09.00 hrs, 6th floor Conference room,
Main Building, bldg 60