The minutes
of the last meeting were approved.
Tim gave an
overview of the current work in the area of fabrics automation. The tools used
have been developed in the framework of the EDG workpackage
His slides
are available at:
A summary
of the architecture is given in a CHEP03 paper:
The basic
principle is that all nodes are autonomous where the complete process of
software installation is automatized. A recent
example for the benefit of the system for software maintenance was the upgrade
from LSF version 4 to 5 which was done in 10 minutes compared to 3 weeks by 3
people for the previous upgrade.
summarized the status of the LEMON (Lhc Era MONitoring) project. The components MSA (Monitoring Sensor
Agent), OraMon (Oracle based repository) and LEAF (LHC
Era Advanced Fabrics) have been developed in the framework of the EDG/WP4 and
are already in production at CERN.
The slides Helge presented are at:
By the time Jürgen
came to his presentation, only two experiment representatives were left. Jürgen
briefly presented the verification milestones proposed by the experiments. It
was agreed to try to come to a conclusion on verification milestones to be
entered in the baseline at the next meeting.
Next meeting
is scheduled for