LCG Internal Review - Grid & Fabric



Reviewers: Paris Sphicas / CERN (chair) Laura Perini / INFN + Univ. Milan Knut Woller / DESY, Peter Hristov / CERN Alois Putzer / Heidelberg Ulrik Egede / Imperial College, London Martti Pimia / CERN Simon Lin / Academia Sinica, Taipeh Charge to the reviewers: Part 2 of the LCG internal technical review focuses on the other areas of the LCG project, the overall organization and the relations to outside entities and projects. The objective is to gain a clear picture of the status of all activities and to expose the consistency between them. This includes both the activities at the regional centres and at CERN. The review team should assess the LCG Project contents, the technical choices, the problems and challenges, risk awareness and mitigation planning in LCG and make recommendations on project contents evolution. The presentations and documentation provided to the committee are to be sufficiently detailed to allow an in-depth technical assessment of the conceptual ideas, the deployment and provisions for operations. The review will be public (apart from review committee discussion sessions) including the closeout session. Projects are expected to post relevant documentation no less than 1 week prior to the review (Nov. 10), and talks no later than the Thursday preceding the review (Nov. 13). The schedule includes report writing time, and the review committee is asked to deliver a draft report at the conclusion of the review or shortly thereafter, with a final report delivered within ~2 weeks after the review. The review report will be received by the SC2 and the LCG project leader.