Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme
The Theory of Heavy Ion Collisions (4/4)
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
The focus of these four lectures will be on the most important
and most common observables in the study of ultrarelativistic
nucleus-nucleus collisions. I explain how these observables
can be measured, to what extent they can be calculated, and what
they can tell us about the dense mesoscopic system created during
the collision.
1. The Space-Time Picture of the Bulk: Measuring Centrality, Orientations and Extensions.
2. The Momentum Picture of the Bulk: Thermal Distributions and Their System Size Dependence.
3. The Escape of the Bulk: Hard Processes in a Nuclear Environment.
4. The Decay of the Bulk: Models of Hadroproduction from a Dense Medium.