CERN Colloquium
Signatures of High-Scale Supersymmetry at the LHC
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
I will discuss the experimental signatures at the LHC of a novel paradigm-shift away from naturalness, suggested by the cosmological constant problem and the multitude of vacua in string theory. In the new paradigm supersymmetry can be broken near the unification scale, and the only light superparticles are the gauginos and higgsinos, which account for the successful unification of gauge couplings. This framework removes all the phenomenological difficulties of standard SUSY. The mass of the Higgs is in the range 120-160 GeV. Measuring the couplings of the Higgs to the gauginos and higgsinos precicely tests for high-scale SUSY. The gluino is strikingly long lived, and a measurement of its lifetime can determine the SUSY breaking scale. Signatures at the LHC detectors include out-of-time energy depositions, displaced vertices, and intermittent tracks.
Organiser(s): Maria Spiropulu, Daniel Treille / PH-EP
Note: Tea and coffee will be served at 16.00 hrs.
Organiser(s): Maria Spiropulu, Daniel Treille / PH-EP
Note: Tea and coffee will be served at 16.00 hrs.