Debian administration at HPC2N Installation: FAI - Fully Automated Install, class-based: bootsector -d /dev/hda; reboot Kerberos + LDAP + AFS for auth/$HOME /usr/local/{bin,sbin,share,lib} etc handled by LAP, home-brew system that handles multiple installed version. LCG2 on Debian, a first impression. 1. Dependancies, a mix of random rpms and assumed deps from rh7.3 2. Installation not contained, conflicts with both OS files and local - Might work right now, but break at updates or upgrades. 3. The swegrid systems are production systems used by many users. Have to be careful if you want to replace stuff in the enviroment. Current working proposal: Most software running in a chroot (especially CE), chroot from .it (egrid?) Waiting for WN to be relocatable into /opt before installing that on cluster. With relocatable WN it should also be possible to do submissions from lcg2 through a gateway requiring a LCG2WN/2.4.0 resource enviorment.