FIO - ELFms Meeting, 10th February 2004

1) Linux Virtual Server

Miroslav Siket gave a presentation about his investigation to use Linux Virtual Server to resolve our scalability problems with software repository. The presentation in can be downloaded from here.

The outcome of the discussion that followed was that Linux virtual Server solution might in fact not be needed as we should soon have serial console nodes available as a head software repository nodes in each rack.

Harry Renshall also proposed, that if we plan to implement this, Linux Support should be involved, hence Miroslav should give presentation to them as well.

2) sysctl NCM component

Vladimir Bahyl briefly explained the structure of the /etc/sysctl.conf file. The information in the file should be kept in CDB in some format.

German Cancio pointed Vladimir Bahyl to the spma NCM component, there all necessary key/value options are defined in the profile.

Vladimir Bahyl will look into the spma NCM component and supervise Benjamin Chardi to write sysctl SPMA component.

3) Deployment of the NCM framework on nodes running RedHat Enterprise Server

German Cancio will deploy NCM framework on 1 development node: lxdev03. All people are advised to test their NCM components as well as all programs that use CCConfig. Wider deployment should then happen next week.

Jan van Eldik will talk to Vladimir Bahyl to agree on a reasonable list of components that should be installed on a RedHat Enterprise Server node.

2) AOB:


3)Action items :

New actions:

Completed actions

Stalled actions:

Ongoing actions:

Vladimir Bahyl, 10th February 2004