LHCb report to TSB held on 040225
- Geant4 6.0 is in production:
- Gauss (LHCb simulation program) is included into the production chain:
from Pythia to reconstruction saving data with POOL. Data can be saved at
different stages: event generation, hits, digitization, reconstruction.
- We build Geant4 as a CMT project to keep track to modifications applied
to the code between 2 releases.
- At the same time we build Doxygen documentation which is used by Gauss
when we build Gauss Doxygen documentation: that allow us to navigate and to
access any class from Gaudi to Geant4.
- Geant4 6.0.ref01:
- running Gauss with this version we lost the facility to reproduce events.
- Geant4 6.0.p01:
- running Gauss with this version we recovered the facility to reproduce
- Which version to use for the Data Challenge 04 (April-Mai)?
- we will try to use the latest release but robustness is essential.