FIO - ELFms Meeting, 2nd March 2004

1) Proxy deployment on head nodes and LXSERV

German gave a presentation about his tests on using proxy servers for the LXSERV cluster. His presentation can be found here.

The agreement was to go ahead with the solutiuon to have proxy server on all headnodes. The installation, including the burn in tests, should go ahead to deploy this solution soon. We don't have to wait until the cables for the serial consoles have arrived.

In addtion, we should consider to equip the LXSERV front end servers with gigabit network cards.

2) CEL3 porting issues

German presented a first outline of the porting issues of CEL3. A transparency can be found here. The two main points are:

  1. Get all tools ready for CEL3 by the end of March: spma, Kickstartgenerator, etc.
  2. Get all NCM components written by the end of April, to have a machine in LXPLUS and LXBATCH ready for the users

Therefore we need at least one, better three test machines for us (FIO) running CEL3

German has agreed to give a tutorial about who to write NCM components and how to use quattor build tools.

In addition everybody is asked to have a look into the other three documents:

  1. FIO Tools: Tools written/used by FIO for configuration/installation/monitoring
  2. SUE to NCM migration plan Plan listing all SUE features that have to migrate to NCM components
  3. Lemon List of monitoring metrics that have to tested on CEL3

In particular, the maintainers for 1) and 2) should be reviewed and changed, if necessary. Please keep in mind that every item in 1), 2) and 3) needs eventually a name assigned to it. We will have to agree on these names in the upcoming ELFms meetings.

A test machine from Linux Support is available: lxcert-i386

3) AOB:

  1. Porting CCConfig outside SUE: To have a better control over releases of CCConfig, it was agreed to take it out of the SUE RPM and therefore become more independent of SUE releases for CCconfig releases. In addition, there will be no SUE in CEL3.  It was as well agreed that this should  be back ported to RH7.3. The implementation details of how this is going to be achieved should be left for the maintainer
  2. The issue about local users, that was brought up by Jan van Eldik a week ago and ansered by Vlado should be discussed in one of the next meetings, because Vlado was not around.

4) Action items :

New actions:

Completed actions:

Stalled actions:

Ongoing actions:

Next Meeting: Next week, 09.03.2003

Thorsten Kleinwort 03/03/2004