Jan Conrad
(PH/EP Dept., CERN)
The silicon pixel detector (SPD) of the ALICE experiment in
preparation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is designed
to provide the excellent vertex resolution needed for measuring
heavy avour production in heavy ion collisions at very high energies
and high multiplicity. The detector consists of 1200 read out ASICs,
each consisting of 8192 pixels, bump-bonded to 200 _m thick silicon
sensors. The SPD forms the innermost part of the Inner Tracking
System (ITS), which also includes silicon drift and silicon strip
detectors. Single assembly prototypes of the ALICE SPD have been
tested at the CERN SPS using high energy proton/pion beams in 2002
and 2003. We report on the experimental determination of spatial
precision and detector e_ciency obtained from these tests. We also
report on the _rst combined beam test of the pixel prototypes,
together with prototypes of the other ITS silicon technologies,
at the CERN SPS in November 2004. The issue of SPD simulation using
GEANT and FLUKA is briey discussed.
Primary author
Jan Conrad
(PH/EP Dept., CERN)