Gerhard Lutz
(MPI Semiconductor Laboratory)
9/12/05, 4:00 PM
Pixel Detectors for Charged Particles
Invited Talk
Attilio Andreazza
(ATLAS Pixel Collaboration)
9/12/05, 4:30 PM
Pixel Detectors for Charged Particles
Contributed Talk
The ATLAS Pixel Detector is the innermost tracking system of the
ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider.
The performances of the production modules of the ATLAS Pixel
Detector have been studied using data collected with a 180 GeV/c
pion beam at the CERN SPS accelerator.
Several of the modules have been irradiated after assembly and
before the test beam using 24 GeV/c...
Renato Turchetta
9/12/05, 4:45 PM
Pixel Detectors for Charged Particles
Contributed Talk
Results are presented on recent studies of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors
developed for future application in High Energy Physics. The status of the HEPAPS
programme at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL) is presented and some recent
results from the UK MAPS collaboration on charged particle detection are discussed.
Jan Conrad
(PH/EP Dept., CERN)
9/12/05, 5:00 PM
Pixel Detectors for Charged Particles
Contributed Talk
The silicon pixel detector (SPD) of the ALICE experiment in
preparation at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is designed
to provide the excellent vertex resolution needed for measuring
heavy avour production in heavy ion collisions at very high energies
and high multiplicity. The detector consists of 1200 read out ASICs,
each consisting of 8192 pixels, bump-bonded to 200 _m...
Lars Reuen
(Bonn University, Germany)
9/12/05, 5:15 PM
Pixel Detectors for Charged Particles
Contributed Talk
By incorporating a field effect transistor into a fully depleted
sensor substrate the DEPFET sensor combines radiation detection and
amplification allowing for low noise measurements and high spatial
resolution. This makes DEPFET sensors an auspicious technology for
the vertex detector of the planned International Linear Collider
(ILC). The demands on the vertex detector are high,...