TB-Support Phone Conference 2005-03-08 ====================================== Represented: Birmingham, RAL, Durham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Lancaster, London Agenda: http://agenda.cern.ch/fullAgenda.php?ida=a051585 1. Problems and issues with SL installations (10') =================================================== - What problems remain with sites that have upgraded? - 7.3 Installations at: TCD, Edinburgh (in-process), Imperial - Seen as a security problem - What are the learning experiences to be shared with sites about to move? - SL is not seen as a difficult OS to deal with - What information is in the Wiki - http://goc.grid.sinica.edu.tw/gocwiki/ 2. LCG software release (10') ============================== - What is new in 2.3.0 - YAIM, Torque and Maui - information provider - APEL accounting - What has been included in 2.3.1 - RB Upgrade - CRL insecurity - Also functional upgrades included in "security" install - Replica Manager commands removed (hard to hear) - Site experiences in upgrading varies - Split CE and Torque host - Make CE do qsub to torque host /var/spool/pbs/server_name - Info provider - Manually generate edg-generic-info-conf file - Durham - Cautious as site only recently stable - Can do 2.3.1 upgrade on a live system - Understanding of future releases - Assurance from Ian Bird that April 1st will be hit. - Upgrades within 3 weeks are requested - v27 of CA RPMs (included in 2.3.1) will be mandatory from next Monday (there has not been any central communication on this - JC will investigate. 3. Main outcomes of GridPP Tier-2 and Deployment Board meetings (10') ====================================================================== - UK testzone - Core services at each tier 2 - Practice installations - Possibly open for site admins - Involvement with LCG Service Challenge 3 (july) - RAL Preparing for SC2 (starts next week) - Connections via UKLIGHT/Production Network - Lancaster and Imperial as candidate sites - GridPP Service Challenges forthcoming so all sites need to start investigating their network bottlenecks asap. - Site responsiveness vs manpower issues - UK seen as slow in moving to 2.3 - Many sites have gone to SL3 which partly explains the time taken - Other - Question about relationship between UKLIGHT and SuperJanet 5. How will sites move between them? - An understanding of UK network topology requirements between now and 2007 is being worked on 4. Storage (10') ================= - Deployment of SRM/dCache in GridPP - Tier-1 and Edinburgh experience with dCache, less with DPM - Edinburgh - Some firewall problems - Lost staff with experience in dCache - Fairly close to usable service, but starting almost from scratch with new staff - DPM - More problems than with dCache - More about installation than the product - Plan to roll out dCache to 1 site at each tier 2 (Edinburgh, Manchester, RAL-PP, Imperial) - RAL ready for SC 2 with new dCache installation - recently achieved 4Gbit/sec under test load - 1.5 days to get latest dCache working. 2 days fiddling. 5. UK Networking (05') ======================= - Planning and use of UKLIGHT - For SC2 RAL is getting 2 dedicated lightpaths to UKLIGHT (2*1Gb/s) - Challenge involves 500Mbit/sec from T0 to five T1s in SC2 - 200-300Mbit/sec to T2 in SC3-4 - The relationship between amounts of storage and required connectivity is not clear - will all sites really be transferring lots of data? - Durham colleagues mentioned NORMAN and connection at 100 Mb/s. Currently the bandwidth is nowhere near fully utilised. Site will upgrade to 1 Gb/s but what fraction does PP need? 6. Developments in EGEE and LCG (05') ====================================== - Focus on service challenges and storage - How are sites scheduling other HEP and non-HEP VOs? - Most are not supporting extra VOs but would like more information on which might be supported. - Lack of clear information within EGEE relating to VOs and their requirements - Forthcoming EGEE conference in Athens (18th-22nd) - EIS (LHC VOs) now working more closely with GGUS on User Support issues. 7. Topics for future meetings (05') ==================================== - Discussion on what you want to hear about! - Enthusiasm expressed for "tutorials" over VRVS - How to setup nonstandard but common setups - SunGridEngine 8. AOB (05') ============= - GridPP deployment web pages are now available at http://www.gridpp.ac.uk/deployment/. The pages will be improved and feedback is welcomed - Audio from RAL frequently cuts out. VRVS will be used for the next meeting - Is there a preference for time and date of future meetings? Plans for the next year would help ensure regularity.