CERN Colloquium
Exceptional Colloquium: The Rise, Fall, and Rebirth of Cosmic Strings
500/1-001 - Main Auditorium (CERN)
In the 1980s many people were excited by the concept that cosmic strings, as relics of the Grand Unified Era, could be responsible for the formation of cosmic structure. In the 1990s the cosmic string concept steadily lost ground to the Inflationary model both as a result of the difficulty of calculations and more definitively through observations of the CMB. About the time many expected the new WMAP data to deliver the coup de grace, the concepts of cosmic strings as major physical phenomena (not so important in structure formation) has begun a renaissance. This new interest is motivated by one of the original ideas that topological defects are inevitable in symmetry breaking by the Kibble (1976) mechanism and the introduction of new ideas such as brane-cosmology/inflation and the realization that cosmic strings may be the only acceptable such defect. We find ourselves back in the business of trying to detect or limit and understand cosmic strings once again for the insight and constraints they put on particle physics and cosmology. This talk reviews current limits and observations about cosmic strings.
Organiser(s): Daniel Treille / PH-EP and Luis Alvarez-Gaume / PH-TH
*Please note unusual day!
**Tea and coffee will be served at 16:00
Organiser(s): Daniel Treille / PH-EP and Luis Alvarez-Gaume / PH-TH
*Please note unusual day!
**Tea and coffee will be served at 16:00