- Status of the MoUs
- Industry Forum: present concrete steps in closing the gap between I/F, NA4 and NA2 in order to produce right/more dissemination material
- Presentation of MNA4.3
- Generic: present "retreat" meeting for port to gLite, including dates and scope.
- HEP: present plan for PPS testing with real applications, and evaluation of new gLite service (e.g. catalog, gliteIO)
- Bio: ditto
- Plan for gathering lessons learned (e.g. WIKI) in the port of applications to gLite and usage of gLite across all application domains. We need a central searchable location for all the data.
- "science behind bio apps" type dissemination data, to raise the awareness of what the bio apps are actually attempting to solve using the grid (similar to LHC is looking at explaining the origin of mass, Higgs Boson, etc)
- PTF:
+ Summary of PoW
+ Status of reqs, wrt gLite v1.0 + priority from apps and ops