3rd parties advanced training course
20-21 January, 2005
Main action points and decisions
- 3 teams will be formed for the better
coordination of EGEE 3rd parties
- Management Board (Διοικούσα Επιτροπή)
- Technical Board (Τεχνική Επιτροπή)
- Quality Control Board
The first
two will be populated by the corresponding Hellasgrid groups (Task Force and
Scientific Committee) with at least one representative per third party and the
3rd will be a small group of up to 5-6 experts with at least half of
them being external to the project.
AP1: Please provide names
for the 3 boards (a, b, c).
- A proposal will be considered for further funding
from the Greek Government (ΕΚΤ-ΕΤΠΑ)
AP2: GRNET with the support
of the other partners should investigate
- Travel budget is not covered in the 3rd
parties contracts. Any trips for EGEE purposes have
to be approved centrally by GRNET.
AP3: Please contact Athina Sakka 2107474254,
6977606624 for any previous arrangements.
- All Third parties contracts have to be concluded asap. Signatures and stamps should
be placed in the corresponding pages, while signature (μονογραφή) in
all pages. For the parties that won’t be signing contracts (under GRNET) the
technical part should be agreed upon.
AP4: All parties to
finalize contractual obligations (e.g. sign contracts and agree technical work)
- A notebook excel sheets will be created with 3rd
parties contact information.
AP5: Please send all notebook excel sheets to Athina Sakka
2107474254, 6977606624.
- The ~1,2M€ tender for the 2nd phase Hellasgrid
infrastructure will go public early March.
AP6: All,
please send comments to Christos Aposkitis, regarding the Hellasgrid phase
2 equipment tender
- Letters will be send to all rectors or research
institute directors that will be hosting the 6 Hellasgrid clusters,
copying the corresponding EGEE 3rd party member in the
Management board.
AP7: GRNET, should prepare the SLAs and
send them to the clusters hosts (rectors or directors).
- All presentations should be uploaded in
AP8: All to
send their EGEE training presentations to Athina Sakka, in order to be uploaded in the agenda CERN pages.
- An applications proposal will be launched by GSRT soon. Potential candidates should start preparing
their proposals.
AP9: All to prepare
for the next GSRT call for Grid applications
- Participation to the 3rd EGEE
conference is encouraged. Nevertheless it is not straightforward where the
registration fee will come from, as probably EGEE GRNET budget is not
AP10: GRNET, to
investigate on funding for the 3rd EGEE conference.
- All third parties should provide timesheets every
month. For this the registration procedure in the EGEE databases is
AP11: GRNET, to
scan registration - account forms and distribute to the list.
AP12: All
parties to register for EGEE accounts for the PPT
tool (according to the Annex II of the third parties contracts)
- Push for participation in evaluation teams.