LXSERV Migration Status ======================= ELFms Meeting, 23.08.2005 Front end machines (lxserv...): ------------------------------- - All machines have been upgraded to SLC3 (LXSER01 - LXSERV06 (07)) 1) Software: Web-Proxy: - SQID German & Marco Emilio Accounting: - System-Accounting Vlado ? Status of configuration Back end machines (LXSERVB..): ------------------------------ LXSERVB02: 0) General: - Moved to building 613 - Reinstalled with SLC3 - Partition table: [root@lxservb02 root]# df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/sda1 25806268 2309352 22186016 10% / none 2016852 0 2016852 0% /dev/shm /dev/sda2 2063536 33184 1925528 2% /tmp /dev/sda9 1035660 26996 956056 3% /usr/vice/cache /dev/sda3 158855336 188700 150597188 1% /var AFS 9000000 0 9000000 0% /afs ? Is this o.k? All data goes to /var 1) Software: CDB: - CDB: German (&Thorsten) - cdbop: German - swrep: German CDBSQL: - German 3ware: - CERN-CC-3dmd: Jan (BIOS upgrade necessary, done for LXSERVB02) Backup: - TIVsm-BA Thorsten (Harry) Load Balancing: - Vlado => done Notification Server: - Thorsten => done Registration Server: - Thorsten => done GPG Framework (to be replaced by SINDES): - SINDES Vlado (with MARC) Zephyr: - Vlado => done Power Queries: - Jan taking over from Tony C. ? Feedback: - Vlado CERN-CC-lxserv_addon: - Jan: Still needed (Do we still use CCConfig)? ? status of configuration Redundandencies: ---------------- How to implement h/w redundancy in the system: a) For the front end nodes: - Web proxy: + SWREP + cdb-configuration - system accounting: b) For the back end nodes: - CDB: - CDBSQL: - Load Balancing: - Notification Server: * Can run on both machines in parallel, uses ORACLE as a backend * The cleanup script should run on at most one machine (can be configured in /etc/sysconfig/notd_Srv) - Registration Server: * Can run on both machines in parallel, uses the name alias 'regis' to resolve if it is the master or the standby backup, in which case it will only update the web pages. - GPG/SINDES framework: - Zephyr: - Feedback: