Dear site administrator, dear site manager, One of the tasks of EGEE is to integrate new VOs. The VO integration process comprises several steps, one of it is solliciting the RCs to supply resources to the newcomers. This is the purpose here. The VO concerned is ESR You can read an overview of their resource requirements at There, you will also find a pointer to the current draft of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ESR and EGEE. Part of this MoU is an annex which lists to some detail the specific working conditions of the VO, with regards to worker node configuration, production types, particular software requirements, and so on. If you think that you can support this VO by offering (part of) your site's resources, please go to the already cited web page, select your site, click on "To offer resources" and fill out the form shown there. You find a short explanation on that form at the end of this mail. Committing this form results in a mail informing your ROC of your intentions. After your ROC has acknowledged, your resource offering will become part of the MoU. If you have questions, please try to direct them to the appropriate people, for example: - Questions on the VO integration process: issuer of this mail - Questions on the form to offer resources: webmaster of the CIC portal (address on the CIC portal's pages). - Questions on the VO's needs (beyond what is already in the MoU): the VO manager, use the "Publish info" button on the "RC staff" view of the CIC portal (, tick the appropriate radio button and select the proper VO. - Questions on the resource allocation policy in your region: pick your ROC manager's e-mail from - Overview of already available resources for the VO see, and select the VO you want to see. - Questions on what you see in the overview: contact the webmaster of the CIC portal. - If you don't know: GGUS ( There you'll find pointers to other information sources (FAQ, Wiki...), or you can open a problem ticket. Offering resources, usage of the fields in the form --------------------------------------------------- Move the cursor over the minimum and maximum fields for CPU and storage to get a contextual information. In "Other resources", enter what you can offer according to the other requirements of the VO. Here you also can write down special conditions for resource usage etc, especially with regards to the "Options" field further below on the form. The "Options" which can be enabled are mainly things like RB, RLS etc. If you want to formulate restrictions on the usage of an RB, for example, you can enter this in the "Other resources" field, as already said.