Sorry cut and paste error apologies to Mona Present: Imperial: Mona, RAL Tier1: Derek Edinburgh: Phil, Jamie, Greg RAL Storage: Owen, (chair+secretary) Apologies: Lancaster: Brian 1. Technical stuff - sites, status Ral Tier 1 Owen is in the process of upgrading the HSM back end scripts upgrading to the latest release of D-cache as the Tier 1 production service is running some versions behind the current release. This is expected to be done on Thursday 29/09/2005 Edinburgh Added extra SAN storage to D-cache Running D-Cache and DPM in parallel Investigations with DPM using Yaim to install was successful, but found some additions where needed to documentation on the Wiki which have been added. Also some bugs where submitted to DPM's Savannah site. Monitoring pages have been simplified in the generation of the content in the process of adding a new graph showing the cumulative storage space. Imperial Added 6 Tera Bytes of storage to the D-cache server. Publishing correct information into the BDII LDAP server. Any other business Edinburgh Classic SE to DPM conversion migration investigation is being started as they want to know if this is possible while Chris is on holiday.