======================================================== GridFTP monitoring EGEE JRA4 Face to Face meeting, Pisa, 24-25 October 2005 ======================================================== Present ------- UEDIN: Alistair Phipps (AKP), Andy Jackson (AJ), Kostas Kavoussanakis (KK) CNRS: Sophie Nicoud (SN), Benjamin Vial (BV) Actions arising --------------- [AKP] Determine from Laurence Field whether "point to point network metrics between sites" is the same requirement that the FTS has. [AKP] Talk to Rons Trompert to determine how to interpret GridFTP transfer stats as amount of data transferred between a particular start and end time. Discussion ---------- EDG/WP7 used GridFTP monitoring stats (http://ccwp7.in2p3.fr -> monitoring status). Gives GridFTP performance from R-GMA. Input: time, min file size, max file size. Output: # streams, # transfers, file size min/avg/max, bit rate min/avg/max. "SE Cluster" refers to a single SE. May be 1 disk, or a distributed FS. GridFTP transfer logs can give amount of data transferred. Laurence's requirement for "point to point network metrics between sites" may be the same requirement that the FTS has - ask Laurence. May require additional e2emonit deployment - KK points out this must not interfere with our Tier 0/Tier 1 deployment. If the topology required is not a star, then they should give us feedback as to what solution they want. Issue with how GridFTP logs are interpreted -> ask Laurence. Additional discussion with Jules Wolfrat ---------------------------------------- GridFTP data is available for the tier 1 sites. They want to know the amount of data transferred through a particular SE cluster interface. They have router information (SNMP monitoring) that may also be worth accessing via the Mediator - however they would like this data kept within a site, so not suitable for NPM until security framework determined. It is not currently in R-GMA. More important is using GridFTP as an underlying framework for NPM. This data is public and in R-GMA. The information stored is total data transferred between start time and end time. They want to know total transfer time, total amount of data. Ron Trompert (rons@sara.nl) knows the details of GridFTP transfer interpretation - he is involved with the current service challenge and made statistical displays before the data was in R-GMA. Service Challenge monitoring plots for GridFTP data are available here: http://lxgate24.cern.ch/GRIDVIEW/ AKP 31/10/2005