Subject: tracker data analysis meeting (26.10.05) From: William Burger <> Date: Sun, 30 Oct 2005 17:53:15 +0100 (CET) To: A short summary of last week's meeting: VA delays - We agreed that the k-side delay will be 1 us longer (~900 ns), with the values of 4 us and 5 us respectively for the p and n-sides (Eduardo's presentation). TDR code - (1) Daniel and Claude indicated there will be a "toillettage" of the existing version "d'ici fin d'annee" and a new version for next year. (2) It was agreed to provide a "goto" in the case of high charge events where we wish to dump the raw data of an entire VA. It was also demanded to have some feedback based on existing data in order to assess the real utility of such a procedure (Paolo/Bill). (3) Paolo is producing an offline C(C++) code to mimic the TDR reduction code. (4) There was a demand by Daniel to finalize a list of channel flags to be set by the TDR calibration code. Philippe will investigate. (5) Bill has asked that the test beam calibration files used for the raw data analysis in view of the proton/helium publication be updated, notably increasing the statistics - currently only 128 events are used in the different loops. Notably, with a 3 sigma cut the non-gaussian results are meaningless ("renvoie au point 4") (6) Agnieska pointed out that due to the contigencies of the 2004 test beam, different checks of the data were removed and should be reinstalled. N.B. a good discussion of the TDR code took place. charge determination - Paolo presented a likelihood analysis of the October 2003 test beam data for protons, helium and lithium NIM paper - Bill presented test beam results extrapolated to the ISS and indicated what he would like to do before the draft is circulated to the group (include in more incisive manner the likelihood results of Paolo and present the angle-resolution results for helium) Noise(temperature) - Giovanni presented results from laboratory measurements for the temperature dependence of the calibration (number of high noise channels). He was asked to do produce the results for the noise. In particular, it would verify/disclaim the assumption of a linear comportment of the noise used to produce the projected resolution on the ISS. At present, from the STS91 and June 2003 test beam data, it appear linear over the range of 8 to 32 C. GSI November test beam - Perugia readout system (Philippe) will be used for the GSI detectors in November. Martin will investigate the possibility of a tracker test beam at GSI in 2006, requested by the TDR code developers. Bill/Giovanni/Paolo --