Minutes of the BAR telecon ========================== Date: Tue, 21 March 2006 time: 10:00 GMT/ 11:00 CET Venue: CERN Teleconference Phone Numbers for telecons ========================== The conference phone number at CERN is +41-22-767 7000 - ask for EGEE JRA4, the owner's name is Charaka Attended ======== GRNet: Chrysostomos Tziouvaras (CT) GARR: Gloria Vuagnin (GV) DANTE: Anand Patil (AP), Maarten Buchli (MB) EPCC: K Kavoussanakis (KK), Charaka Palansuriya (CP), Florian Scharinger (FS) Apologies: Agenda ====== 1) Time for DJRA4.6 telecon 2) On going actions 3) WorkPlan (https://edms.cern.ch/document/694134/1) 4) Final BAR release 5) AOB 6) Risks 7) DONM New Actions =========== [KK] Check latest changes in MJRA4.5 [FS] File Savannah issue on "Check Activation Service Type against Reservation" [FS] File Savannah issue on "BAR Request failure handling (e.g. cancel NSAP)" [GV] Update BAR Script for the final release. [CP] Send link to BAR Script to GV Ongoing Actions --------------- [AP] Examine DJRA4.1 document and suggests/make necessary updates - update the conclusion [AP/KK] Submit a proposal for TNC 06 poster presentation before Thu 20 April 06. - can be submitted by sending a short abstract (100 to 250 words) by email. Please include your full name, address and affiliation (organisation) in the proposal. [KK] Start preparing poster for TNC [ALL] Email few lines of work plan for the next week to the minute taker. Completed Actions ----------------- [CP] Check comments address to you in MJRA4.5 - also see KK's email, dated March 13 (Re: e2espec revisited) [FS] Raise Savannah issue WP2.9a "Map L-NSAP failure message" [FS] Check Savannah issue #14082 [FS] Add GDFT Reservation issue to the "difference between architecture vs implementation" appendix of MJRA4.5 [FS] Add section "Service Discovery" to e2e Document - low priority - dropped [AP] Confirm whether PPT is an acceptable format for the TNC 06 poster print out [AP/MB] Check comments address to you in MJRA4.5 - also see KK's email, dated March 13 (Re: e2espec revisited) [AP/MB] Review e2e doc regarding differences between BAR architecture and implementation: - is now in appendix of MJRA4.5: https://edms.cern.ch/document/593453/2 [KK] Send Email to AP on how e2e testing environment (involved parties) could be done (e.g. for review) Discussion ========== DJRA4.6 ------- Anand and Maarten are fine with current version, no further telecon necessary. TNC Poster ---------- EPCC will provide the poster, and send it to DANTE. BAR e2e testing environment for Review -------------------------------------- Very difficult to show PIP in action. No PIP actually deployed, hard to show advantages for Grid applications. KK: Doubts that there will be a slot at review where BAR can be presented. AP: As an example for advantages of PIP, we have monitoring tools in place, and when one link went done, measuring the PIP delays stayed constant, whereas Best Effort delays went up. PIP has advantages when it comes to problems in the network, but might not give very much advantages in an well-provisioned network. GV: Can we make an analogy with CPUs: If we assume that a CPU is always ready, no queues are necessary KK: Queues are "visible", but that's not the fact for the network, it is assumed to be over-provisioned (which is not always the fact) AP: Last-mile will have advantages KK: Is BAR useful in a dedicated network (e.g. ESLA)? AP: Dedicated network is completed switched MB: Single service uses single dedicated network AP: Basically dedicated network gets reserved before via booking system AP: Side note: Dedicated networks are just available for big projects with much money BAR Script ---------- As discussed at the SA2/JRA4 telecon, previous BAR Script mentions VLL/GDFT Reservation, meaning that it is obsolete and needs to be updated if we want to provide it as a user guide for the final prototype client. Gloria "volunteered" for updating the BAR Script. Paper ----- CP: Some progress so far, but more effort needed. Final BAR Release ----------------- Monday, 27 April, still looks fine. Important dates =============== Mon 27 Mar 06: Release final BAR prototype Fri 31 Mar 06: End of EGEE 1 Thu 20 Apr 06: Deadline for proposals for TNC 06 poster (TERENA Networking Conference) 23-24 May 06: Final Review of EGEE 1 Issues/bugs =========== Ones to tackle -------------- #15463 BAR enforces Maximum bandwidth of 1 Gbps #10074 BAR can not deduce the service type when querying a Service ID #14709 Provide additional Info for any rejected or failure messages #14981 NSAP: Enumerations for failure reasons needed #14708 Return status "cancel request rejected" #14094 Remove Ports from Service Reservation (SR) requests #14689 BAR-State Related tests. #9288 BAR client JSPs do not check hostname in BAR service certificate Ones solved ----------- #14082 Change (anonymous) EndsiteAddressType to simpleType #14836 Check Activations against corresponding Reservation Work scheduled for last week ============================ AP: MB: GV: CT: FS: CP: - Complete first draft of GridNets 06 paper - Updates to MJRA4.5 as prompted by KK - replies DJRA4.6 comments if/when available - Completing BAR persistence implementation Work done last week =================== AP: - DJRA4.6 review handling MB: - DJRA4.6 review handling GV: - ? CT: - ? FS: - Service Persistence - Minor Review help - Sick (2 days) CP: - GridNets 2006 paper - BAR telecon + minutes - Persistence implementation - EGEE-I UEDIN post mortem - DDJRA4.6 review handling - SA2-JRA4 telecon Work planned for this week ========================== AP: - DJRA4.1 wrap up - Any help with the TNC'06 poster MB: GV: CT: FS: - Finish Service Persistence - Pre-release BAR - System Tests - Final BAR release CP: - DJRA4.6 review - Complete 1st draft of GridNets paper - Testing BAR final release - Updating design document - Review BAR Script Milestones and deliverables =========================== PM15 MJRA4.4 (June 05) Prototype implementation of BAR service at specific network ingress points using static network configuration. DONE. PM15 MJRA4.5 (June 05) Specification of end-to-end BAR system. DONE. PM18 MJRA4.7 (September 05) Dynamic reconfiguration of key ingress points in response to reservations. DONE. PM21 DJRA4.4 (December 05) Implementation of single-domain BAR service in the network core (GEANT and NRENs). PM23 DJRA4.6 (February 06) Report on BAR highlighting achievements, issues and future work Risks ===== Convention: Mitigation = what we do to address it Resolution = what we do if the risk materialises -------------------- Risk: Likelihood: Impact: Mitigation: Resolution: -------------------- Unavailability (Leave/other work) ================================= DANTE AP: MB: EPCC: CP: KK: 24/27 March (Interviewing) FS: 29-31 March GARR GV: GRNet CT: DONM ==== Tuesday 28 March 06 @ 10:00 GMT/ 11:00 CET