WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations meeting

28-R-15 (VRVS (Boat room))


VRVS (Boat room)

Nick Thackray
VRVS "Boat" room will be available 15:30 until 18:00 CET
  • 16:10
    Review of action items 15m
  • 16:25
    Issues to discuss 25m
    Reports were not received from ROC Russia, ROC France (public holiday), NDGF, BNL, FNAL, TRIUMF, KNU, VO CMS, VO BioMed

  • Should we restrict sites with poor network quality? (AsiaPacific)
  • Is there any place where VO YAIM settings are published (for new VOs, for changes to service end-points, etc.)? Could it be in VO ID card in CIC portal? (Central Europe)
  • Can anything be done to avoid too many jobs being put through a single CE? (Is there one process running on the CE for every job running on the WN? Will this change with gLite 3.0 WMS) (CERN)
  • CAs and CRLs: Many sites (about 25%) fail the CA test and virtually all sites fail the CRL test. Is the reason of this currently understood? (ATLAS)
  • Still cannot write data to CERN (storage firewalled). (Alice)
  • 16:50
    LHCb ticket tracking page 5m
    This page is mainly used by LHCb for tracking their submitted GGUS tickets and for helping site managers to retrieve the logging info of the jobs failing at their site (from now on future ggus tickets will refer to this page for logging info). This page also represents a breakdown of the most important problems recently experienced on the sites during the LHCB production. Problems being processed through GGUS and waiting for a solution are in yellow; problems solved are in red; problems that need to be submitted are in light blue.

    The page also reports for each site a daily logging info that is an indicator of the number of days the problem is at the affected site and in the mean time is a mine of information for debugging problems received through GGUS.

    Speaker: Roberto Santinelli
    more information
  • 16:55
    Status update on deployment of gLite 3.0.0 at Tier 1 sites 15m
    We need an estimate from each LCG tier 1 regarding when they will be able to deploy gLite 3.0.0
  • 17:10
    Upcoming SC4 Activities 10m
    Schedule and resource requirements for all upcoming activities that involve production and/or pre-production resources.

    We will review the experiment plans and schedules in two weeks from now.

    For the time being, ATLAS-driven transfers at the full nominal rates to all ATLAS Tier1s are expected to take place for 3 weeks starting June 19.

    CMS-driven transfers will start probably July at the rates defined in Mumbai.

    The schedule for ALICE and LHCb transfers will be defined later.

    more information
  • 17:20
    AOB 5m