WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations meeting

28-R-15 (VRVS (Fog room))


VRVS (Fog room)

Harry Renshall, James Casey
VRVS "Fog" room will be available 15:30 until 18:00 CET

Time at various sites

  • 3
    Review of action items
  • 4
    Issues to discuss

    ROC reports not checked by a Manager/Deputy
  • AsiaPacific
  • NorthernEurope
  • Russia
  • SouthWesternEurope (Synch Problems)
    ROC reports not checked by a Manager/Deputy
  • AsiaPacific
  • Italy
  • NorthernEurope
  • Russia
  • SouthWesternEurope (Synch Problems)

  • Progress on new VOMS groups for LHCb in the PPS
  • Application software area on PPS CEs
  • 5
    Status update on deployment of gLite 3.0.0 at Tier 1 sites
    Each LCG tier 1 must give the following update:
  • upgrade to gLite 3.0 completed?
  • if not, when will the upgrade be completed?
  • were any significant deployment problems found? - if so, were they reported through GGUS?
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    Upcoming SC4 Activities
    Schedule and resource requirements for all upcoming activities that involve production and/or pre-production resources.

    We will review the experiment plans and schedules on May 22 - input has been requested for May 17. Current plans can be found here.

    ATLAS, CMS and LHCb data rates can be seen in the attached slide. (ATLAS start on June 19th - exact schedule & resource requirements TBD. Still waiting for ALICE data rates per site & tentative schedule (August?))

    See also Proposal to WLCG Management Board on Service Interventions which will be discussed Tuesday 16th May.

    more information
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