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WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations meeting

28-R-15 (VRVS (motorcycle room))


VRVS (motorcycle room)

Nick Thackray
VRVS "motorcycle" room will be available 15:30 until 18:00 Swiss local time

LCG tier1 site reports and VO reports are under the link 'text', below.

    • 14:00 17:20


      • 16:00
        Feedback on last meeting's minutes 5m
      • 16:05
        Grid-Operator-on-Duty handover 5m
      • From Rusia (backup: CE) to CERN (backup: SE)

  • 16:10
    Review of action items 15m
  • 16:25
    Issues to discuss 25m

    Reports were not received from: IN2P3-CC, NDGF, BNL, FNAL, KNU, ATLAS, CMS, LHCb, BioMed

  • PPS has started to install gLite 3.0.0 RC5
  • Solution for double publishing of resources.
  • Some ATLAS users submited jobs to a site while it was in Scheduled Downtime. Is it a software bug in RB or the users software? (CE)
  • LHCB doesn't respect the GlueCEPolicyMaxTotalJobs limit. Therefore the CGG-LCG2 can't work correctly. 3 reboots of the CE were needed because of the overload caused by LHCB and BIOMED. (FR)
  • LAL succeeded in setting up LCG WN M/W with SL 4.2. (FR)
  • INFN would be interested in knowing the tools in use in other non-INFN sites for accounting of disk space utilization. (IT)
  • BLAHParserPBS server runs as root and does not contain any form of authentication. It exposes the pbs logs to the outside world. (NE)
  • Proper init.d script was not provided so had to write our own that would properly daemonise it. (NE)
  • SFT test jobs regularly submit themselves to 10min site queue but run for longer than 10 minutes and terminate prematurely, registering as a permenant error (even if all of the tests passed!). This is not the first time this has been raised but no response from the SFT developers. (UK/I)
  • SFT RM tests having intermittent problems with non-local services (due to missing/invalid credentials) registering as a local site failure. Also happening last week and resulted in CIC tickets. No response has been received from the SFT developers. See also GGUS ticket #8636 (UK/I)
  • Is the link still correct for the metric reports for the ROCs?
  • 16:50
    Status update on deployment of gLite 3.0.0 at Tier 1 sites 15m
  • 17:05
    Upcoming SC4 Activities 10m
    See attached documents for proposal for establishing T0-T1 transfers as full production services, and for data rates by T1 site for ATLAS T0-T1 export tests from June 19 - July 7.

    Reminder of WLCG Tier2 workshop and tutorials at CERN June 12-16.

    Please register (for both / either events seperately) if you plan to attend.

    More information can be found here.

    more information
    • Scheduling of service interruptions at WLCG sites 5m
  • 17:15
    AOB 5m
    • VO software installation 5m