WLCG-OSG-EGEE Operations meeting

28-R-15 (VRVS (Mars room))


VRVS (Mars room)

Nick Thackray
VRVS "Mars" room will be available 15:30 until 18:00 CET
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    Change of day of Operations Meeting
    From 11th September, the WLCG/OSG/EGEE Operations meetings will be at 16:00 Swiss local time, on a Wednesday.
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    Issues to discuss from reports

    Reports were not received from:
  • WLCG T1 sites: ASGC (poor report); BNL; GridKA (poor report); IN2P3; NDGF; RAL; TRIUMF (poor report)
  • EGEE ROCs: Russia
  • VOs: ATLAS; Alice; BioMed
  • 1) Regarding action 2006-03-20--2. We discovered that there's no possiblity to delete a person from GOC DB, only deassign from a role. (Central Europe)
  • 2) Tickets keep being opened on cmssrv25 even though it is set to no monitoring in the GOC database (FNAL)
  • 3) Problems with installing the gLite 3.0 WN via relocatable tarball, on Debian (SARA)
  • 4) The latest APEL RPM is not included in the apt-repository of 3.0 (https://gus.fzk.de/ws/overview.php?quali=open&resultlist=1&ticket=9931) (SouthEast Europe)
  • 5) Some users with certificates from the Spanish CA had problems getting voms proxies. Two GGUS tickets were opened (#9877, #9910). The issue was solved today (3rd of July), but the problem was reported on the 29th June. Last week a similar problem was reported which affected users with Portuguese CA certificates. This is a *critical* problem, and it is felt that it takes too long to be solved. (SouthWest Europe)
  • 6) There may still be inconsistency between the results shown under the SFTs and the CIC weekly report summaries. It should be checked. (UK/Ireland)
  • 7) Can UKI gain access to the CIC SFT summary database (in particular the site comments) in order to review common problems experienced by sites. We need access to automate the search. (UK/Ireland)
  • 8) With SAM can site admins elect to receive email notifications if a problem is seen? It needs to be opt in as some admins do NOT want to receive such mails while others are keen on it! (UK/Ireland)
  • 9) Is anyone from the middleware area regularly attending the deployment meetings? If not why not? (UK/Ireland)
  • 10) CMS believes it has hit the scale limit of the LCG-RB. CMS has hit nearly 20k jobs perday using 4 RBs. The RBs are under sufficiently heavy load that normal operations like job status check begin to yield strange results. We will continue investigations with the new WMS.
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    Review of action items
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    Upcoming SC4 Activities
    See new and updated information at https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/LCG/SC4ExperimentPlans

    See also the combined action list and Report on Service Challenge Technical Day (June 21st at CERN)

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